Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Jackson 'didn't want to grow old'

A new book based on taped interviews with Michael Jackson reveals the star thought he looked like "a lizard" and "didn't want to grow old".
The Michael Jackson Tapes, written by the star's former adviser Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, provides first-hand detail about the reclusive singer's life.
In one conversation, Jackson says: "I don't want to grow old. I never want to look in the mirror and see that."
The star died in June, aged 50. His death is being treated as homicide.
Speaking to US TV show Today on Friday, Rabbi Boteach said his overwhelming impression of the star had been one of "indescribable pain".
"He lost the will to live," he added. "I think he was just going through the motions of life toward the end."
Rabbi Boteach recorded 30 hours of interviews with Jackson nine years ago. The tapes reveal the star talking about about his fear of aging, and being hit with an electric cord by his father.
I would like some way to disappear where people don't see me any more at some point
Michael Jackson
"He was rough," the star says. "The way he would beat you, you know, was hard.
"He would make you strip nude first. He would oil you down. It would be a whole ritual. He would oil you down so when the flip of the ironing cord hit you, you know... it was just like dying."
"I used to get so angry at him," Jackson continues.
"I would just go in my room and just scream out of anger because I didn't understand how a person could be so vicious and mean."
Ken Sunshine, a spokesman for the Jackson family, said after the tapes were broadcast: "We will not dignify this with a comment."
In another conversation released by Rabbi Boteach, the star can be heard saying: "I don't want to be seen now, because I am like a lizard. It is horrible."
"I would like some way to disappear where people don't see me any more at some point."
'Higher cause'
Rabbi Boteach is an orthodox Jewish rabbi who has written self-help books with names like Shalom in the Home and Kosher Sex.
The latter book, which encouraged Jews to have more sex, was publicly criticised and the rabbi was forced to resign from the synagogue where he preached in Willesden, north London.
Jackson with Uri Geller (left) and Rabbi Boteach (right) in 2001
He was introduced to Jackson in 1999 by entertainer Uri Geller and acted as his confidant for many years, helping to establish the star's Heal The Kids initiative.
Their conversations were taped with an eye to giving the public a more accurate image of the pop star.
Rabbi Boteach said he became disillusioned with the book - originally set for release in 2003 - after Jackson failed to adhere to recovery programmes they had worked out for his public image and private self.
On the Today programme, he insisted that Jackson would still have wanted the tapes to be released.
"He did all this because he wanted to consecrate his fame to a higher cause."
The Michael Jackson Tapes, written by the star's former adviser Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, provides first-hand detail about the reclusive singer's life.
In one conversation, Jackson says: "I don't want to grow old. I never want to look in the mirror and see that."
The star died in June, aged 50. His death is being treated as homicide.
Speaking to US TV show Today on Friday, Rabbi Boteach said his overwhelming impression of the star had been one of "indescribable pain".
"He lost the will to live," he added. "I think he was just going through the motions of life toward the end."
Rabbi Boteach recorded 30 hours of interviews with Jackson nine years ago. The tapes reveal the star talking about about his fear of aging, and being hit with an electric cord by his father.
I would like some way to disappear where people don't see me any more at some point
Michael Jackson
"He was rough," the star says. "The way he would beat you, you know, was hard.
"He would make you strip nude first. He would oil you down. It would be a whole ritual. He would oil you down so when the flip of the ironing cord hit you, you know... it was just like dying."
"I used to get so angry at him," Jackson continues.
"I would just go in my room and just scream out of anger because I didn't understand how a person could be so vicious and mean."
Ken Sunshine, a spokesman for the Jackson family, said after the tapes were broadcast: "We will not dignify this with a comment."
In another conversation released by Rabbi Boteach, the star can be heard saying: "I don't want to be seen now, because I am like a lizard. It is horrible."
"I would like some way to disappear where people don't see me any more at some point."
'Higher cause'
Rabbi Boteach is an orthodox Jewish rabbi who has written self-help books with names like Shalom in the Home and Kosher Sex.
The latter book, which encouraged Jews to have more sex, was publicly criticised and the rabbi was forced to resign from the synagogue where he preached in Willesden, north London.
Jackson with Uri Geller (left) and Rabbi Boteach (right) in 2001
He was introduced to Jackson in 1999 by entertainer Uri Geller and acted as his confidant for many years, helping to establish the star's Heal The Kids initiative.
Their conversations were taped with an eye to giving the public a more accurate image of the pop star.
Rabbi Boteach said he became disillusioned with the book - originally set for release in 2003 - after Jackson failed to adhere to recovery programmes they had worked out for his public image and private self.
On the Today programme, he insisted that Jackson would still have wanted the tapes to be released.
"He did all this because he wanted to consecrate his fame to a higher cause."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
577,935memories from Michael Jackson fans worldwide...

September 26th
11:33PMMelanieGone but not forgottenI only hope now Michael looks down on earth and realizes how much everyone really loved him. It's a shame that he didn't let someone into his life to love him unconditionally. My heart aches when I hear stories of how lonely he was. At least he had his children to love for a while.
It's a terrible shame what the media does to anyone with celebrity status. It's time we realize that celebrities deserve a life like us normal people. Just because they entertain us, doesn't give us the right to take their lives away.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:29PMCamilaBrazilian fanMichael...more »
I miss you...
I love you forever!
you're always in my heart...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:19PMJose BravoQEPDMichael QEPD eres y seguiras siendo el Rey Del Pop mis condolencias a su familia.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:18PMMJ FanMichael Jackson Tribute Forum.
Visit us for the latest MJ News
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:13PMCamilaMichael Jackson " King of pop forever "O nosso amado Rei do Pop nunca morrerá, ele sempre viverá em nosso coração...
Ele sempre será lembrado por todos nós!
Ele está fazendo muita falta =/
Ainda não caiu a ficha...
Não dá para acreditar que o nosso Rei se foi tão cedo...
O Mike agora se tornou uma linda e imensa estrela no céu...
Ele brilhou em vida em cima dos palcos agora ele brilha como uma linda estrela no céu...
A saudade e a dor da perda nos faz sofrer muito... é uma dor inexplicável...
Mas devemos nos lembrar que o Mike mesmo com os problemas, ele sempre foi uma pessoa feliz que amava a vida os filhos, a familia, os amigos, e nós fãs...
O Michael cumpriu sua missão aqui na terra
Ele nos encheu de muita alegria com suas lindas canções e com suas brilhantes coreográfias que jamais serã esquecidas por nós!more »
Descance em Paz Rei do POP
Michael Jackson KING OF POP FOREVER!!
Luto Eterno! Saudades Eternas!
Te Amarei Eternamente!
beijos de sua fã do Brazil Camila
I love you forever!!!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:11PMAlice PerryrockmoWill always love you Michael-will keep your memory alive forever-i want you back!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:07PMaby jacksonmichael jacksonaku turut beduka cita dengan alm.michael jackson
bukan aku saja mj dan teman- temanku
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Please, don´t go away forever!
please,not die!
Please stay here!
Miss you so that you can´t imagine how.
Please, answer me if you can.
I always believed in you, I will always be faithfull to you.
Believe it, my love, now and forever.
With love
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:58PMNatalieM.Ji miss him very much he will always br the KING OF POP! He really was the greatest Entertainer who ever lived he did many GREAT Things that will always be remembered. R.i.p Michael now maybe people will leave you alone LOVE YOU M.J
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:50PMSAINT JOAN OF ARCBarrow Street, NYCi remember it, as if it were yesterday. i was 15 years young, the year 1969...The Jackson 5 with Mrs.& Mr. Joseph Jackson crossing(south to north direction)Barrow Street and 7th Avenue, Greenwich Village,NYC. Couldn't believe what i was seeing...i ran and screamed at the them: HEY! The JACKSON 5,The Jackson 5!!!!! With a beautiful and humble smile, the entire family waved at me. Clearly i remember the smallest child walking in front of everyone else. The one & only Michael Jackson, he was just 11 years young
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:44PMtarynthankyou.i can't say i was fanatic, but i fell in love with your music and your love for peace, joy, and wanting to make the world a better place. Thank you for giving us your music, your dance, and your heart. I have love for you and i appreciate everything you've done and the person you ARE.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:37PMLani Jacksonhow i will remember himhe was flat out amazing..... i loved him my whole life, and when he died..... my world collapsed. i cried and cried and cried, because he was amazing.... i had met him and we had gotten together alot and we were greta friends... and to know that he is gone..... i want to die...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:17PMangel2000MichaelAMAZING thats what you are you shine like the stars the beauty you are inside and out you came from heaven shining the breath of god still fresh on you and came in my heart i love you michael i hope your tears are few now and i hope your dreams are coming true at last i also believe miracles and i believe you are here i have done searching and its so amazing!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:16PMIbethpara el mas chulina,bueno y mejor artista de este artista de este mundo!!!!mi amor te amamos... Esperamos que sigas bailando estés donde estés.. MICHAEL JACKSON THE KING OF POP. Besos a toda la familia Jackson Fuerza Paris!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:12PMEmaanit is up to us just wanted world peace and healing. since ur last day, u tried to make the world a better place, and in a way, you did. now, its up to us. sadly, i became a fan and discovered you after u died. however, i do remember when i first heard u. i was in the first grade when my brother borrowed the thriller cd from one of his friends. i fell in love with beat it. if only i gave ur music more attention. although, ur music was only a small part of ur greatness. i admire you for ur incredible humanity and love, which u portrayed through ur charity work, and songs. all i have to say now is that i will MAKE THAT CHANGE!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:53PMK SchmidtMichael JacksonI never saw Michael in concert or in person at all, but my most vivid memories of him are his music videos. I definitely remember watching the dvd of the Bucharest concert, as well, and it was awesome. My most prized MJ possesion is my History album, which I own both on cassestte and CD - I was so thrilled to go to the store and get that!!!! May Michael's music forever touch people's lives and may his musical genius continue to radiate through the current and up-and-coming artists for years to come. Rest in peace, Michael. You are loved.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:28PMElias (elixer)i never forgot michael michael you are the king of pop forever and all world we love you to i'n sorry i'm not write good english i'm spanish but MICHAEL NUNCA TE OLVIDARE SERAS MI IDOLO POR SIEMPRE ERES LO MEJOR
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:19PMJust MeWhile You Are Gone!Dearest Michael,more »
While you are gone your brothers are monopolizing on your name. (wonder who's grand idea that was! Thanks dad, I mean Joseph!)While you are gone I will hope that all of your fans understand how much you hated that and how much you really did want to be a solo artist and how hard you worked to make that happen. I hope that all of your fans actually listen to your music to figure that out! I am praying that all of your fans do not buy into this whole 'Jackson' family bulls*** (aside of maybe his sisters)that is being slapped all over the place! I pray that all of your true fans do not buy these bulls*** books that are coming out from left field and tainting your (now) good name. I pray that people do not feed into the bulls*** that did nothing but torture your world and in the end ultimately put you into the grave! I will be praying that your fans do not buy these books and videos and pictures and whatever else they can come up with just so fans can hold on to your memory. While you are gone I will be remembering you as you were and how you should be remembered. While you are gone I will try my best everyday to give you the love that you never felt when you were here because the world turned their backs on you! While you are gone things will never be the same! BUT WHILE YOU ARE GONE I WILL NOT FEED INTO THE MONEY HUNGRY f***
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:12PMMJ FanMichael Jackson Tribute Forum.
Visit us for the latest MJ News
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:41PMJohn maniiing The best man everI wanted to be a cartoonist all my life I tryed to right micheal
but nothing ever came of it but from the way he inspired me
by helping kids because the is always some one going threw worst
so I made a cartoon called purpo the name was browken down from
the word purpose.He made a theme park in his back yard. I was like cool its a blessing thou I know he is looking down
and when I get my website for my cartoon runing I will say bless him!! but the most valued thing is he loved kids.
HEAL THE WORLD!!!!! John Manning
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:28PMnathalie preciadowe love uwe love michael there will never be anyone like you again we miss you dearly and wish that you were still here one day we will see you again you r not alone god bless your family
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:27PMyvette hinksonlost without youi was already crying before i came here and then i thought about the song i was going to write about tonight and then the tears starting flowing worse. i miss you. it started when i read an article in the paper about you today. it made me feel your hurt and pain again. i know you struggled with some things that you may never of struggled with if people werent so mean and i wish that somehow i could of came to your world and helped you. i dont know if i would of been allowed in, but i just keep thinking what if. i wish that i could of helped you. when i cry lately its just helpless tears, ones that i know i cant do anything about it type of cries, so its just a cry that tears come out i am just sitting here not knowing that i am even crying at first with a blank stare on my face. but today i am crying like i am hurting really bad. the type of cry when you tighten up your facial expressions and cant control what comes out. i can hardly sit up. i want to tell you that i always thought you were so beautiful, handsome and i thought your personality was amazing. i pray that god please tell you how i feel. sometimes i say how can i move on and i really mean it, but other times i am desperate and really dont know how and now is one of those times. i hear your voice sometimes and its hurts so bad like the most excruciating pain. i dont mean that i dont want to hear you, it just means that i am hurting because i feel like i need you and i cant have you here, and when i hear your voice it makes it so much more apparent. i miss you michael. if you wanted to be back and if i could give up something to bring you here i would. i think about you and how sensitive you were and it hurts me when i now know about things that hurt you. i'm sorry michael. i am so sorry. i just wish i could know how you were feeling at this moment. i just wish i could know. i have loved you with what has seemed like a lifetime to me and i want you to know i will love you for another 1000 lifetimes. i miss you so much.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:19PMjow jow=(i'm stilling cant belive it
i'm keep waiting
to wake up
and...that is just a bad dream
this nite that i went to bed...happy becouse FINALLY i was to see you,the big Michael in person,the amaizing show your body,YOU.THIS FUKING NITE...that my friends desesperately called me at the phone i and said "no,no its impossible"
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:18PMjow jow=(i'm stilling cant belive it
i'm keep waiting
to wake up
and...that is just a bad dream
this nite that i went to bed...happy becouse FINALLY i was to see you,the big Michael in person,the amaizing show your body,YOU.THIS FUKING NITE...that my friends desesperately called me at the phone i and said "no,no its impossible"
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:54PMJenn:DI am more of the younger generation but Michael has made me feel like music is a way of life not just words that you sing to a melody. I loved him just like you all when he was live and I am still mourning at the loss of the one who gave us the sounds of pop. Everyone will miss him, even if they thought he did some bad things he is still a part of their life forever and ever.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:45PMZoe mayGoodnight MichealGoodnight peterpan....i love you. I need you tonight...please. I love you so much.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:36PMHelissanMichael meeu amoor, miinha viida ♥Ele faz miinha vida ficar MAIS BONIITA..TE AMO MICHAEL ♥
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:35PMCIDA MACHADO BRASILAMOR ETERNOHoje 3 meses e 1 dia depois da sua morte a ficha caiu,estou em choque,sempre achei que tudo foi um mal entendido,e que você estavá vivo e se cuidado,mais hoje eu lendo e vendo muitos videos eu acredito que realmente você se foi,vendo o clip do seu filme eu vejo como você está magro,eu não sei o que aconteceu que você não alimentava direito,penso que a midia é a grande culpada pela sua morte,você sempre foi tão cobrado por todos,sua vida sempre foi esposta você nunca teve privacidade acho que só no seu quarto você conseguia ficar só,sua vida parecia ser boa mais na realidade sua vida era triste,vejo que o passar dos anos seus olhos ficaram triste,seu sorriso não mostrava mais a alegria genuina,você perdeu a alegria de viver,viver para que?se não pode fazer nada sem que no outro dia seje manchete em todos os jornais,queria ter te conhecido não como fã,mais como uma pessoa que queria te ajudar a ver o brilho da vida,queria ter te ajudado a superar tantos traumas,tantas injustiças,você é um ser humano incrivél que se perdeu ao longo da vida,hoje só me resta a frustração por não ter te ajudado a viver mais e melhor, te amo mais,te amo para sempre. MICHAEL você será eternamente KING OF POP.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:29PMthe_driver44@hotmail.contrilleres lo mejor
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:19PMVanuza silvaCOMES !!!Comes !!!more »
This community was created as a bubble, a protest in support of artists from all areas, Movies, music, television and many others. People who have invaded their lives and ignored by journalists, photographers and simulators of entertainment, if we can characterize them as such. These beings come to years invading the privacy of artists, lying on their lives, twisting facts, posting pictures, text with untruths, acting with a lack of character, greed and worse, destroys our idols.The example we have the Lady Diana, who died as a consequence of the persecution of the Paparazzi. Michael Jackson the leading artist of the music world's all time who lived under pressure since his childhood, treated by biased tabloids had their dignity tarnished by newspapers, TV, magazines that tried and sentenced to the daily suffering. In Brazil we have Chico Buarque, Marisa Monte, Ronaldo Nazario, Renato Russo and many others. For a long time we see our idols say that this must stop.
This community is the beginning of "enough" We are saying "Comes !!!".
Say no to the gossip magazines, the sensationalist programs, the tabloids, the radios that transmit information about the lives of people artists. Seek the truth whenever you feel necessary. Do not spend your time with television programs, 5 of which survive to invent lies. It is up to each to identify the relevance of information about the personal life of artists, how this information interesting to us.
If this information really make a difference in the love that each felt for her idol, always seek the truth about the facts.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:09PMfannypas un instant sans pensé à toi...Tu nous manques
le monde est bien laid sans ton sourire...
je t'aime Michael
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:08PMcharisrest in peace mike i love you:)lets say michael was to good to be true and to goood for this world lets hope evreyone will leave him alone and let him rest in peace and the soo much pain his familys going throw i feel so sorry for them and especially his kid there probley heartbroken. i love you michael and you will always be in my brain heart and my soul you have been a great man rest in peace:)
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:05PMsalvaalle albummichael jackson ist die numer 1
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:59PMAnna Urbina MJ - you will always be in my heart .. in Guatemala the land of Eternal Spring MJ... I was born in 1958 like you... I loved you since you began to sing for us, through my life your music was my inspiration, I became an aerobics instructor, a spinning instructor and a fitness competitor and your music always inspired me in the good times in my lonely times.. I loved your music and you... I understood you ..because I had to go through life alone with my only child Rachel... and success means a lot of work alone... most of the time... and your music fulfilled my heart. I cried the moment I got the news of you going to the other side, I cry when I see your energy in the videos ... but you know what, I dreamed of you and saw you making a video playing with children a few days after you passed away, so I am at peace, I know I saw you, you were having are O.K.. but I will miss you here... your music, your energy, your need for real love will help me just remembering you... my life will be better... love you MJ...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:57PMbeatriz parrael genioLos genios como tu nunca mueren, vivaras en la eternidad porque tu musica nos hara recodarte en cada momento, en cada baile, en cada risa y en cada lagrima.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:52PMJenny BohorquezHondurasI was sleeping when I heard the news of Michael Jackson passing. I woke up to endless texts and voice mails and my friend waking my up to tell me "Michael Jackson just died". I jumped up and I could not believe it. It couldn't be true, it must be a joke. My heart sank to my stomach and I didn't want to brace myself for the truth. I see it in the news and that it had been confirmed he passed away. I just sat there in shock and completely speechless. Right away all I could remember was the first time I ever remember seeing MJ. I was 3 yrs old sitting on the floor being my mischievous self, eating powdered milk out of the box. And on the tv was Michael Jackson performing on the tv. A tiny black and white tv mind you. It was such a short memory but it was my memory to the beginning of what would be a found, admirable love for this talented, incredible human being. I grew up listening to Michael, and I was always so excited for when he came out with a new video. His videos were always so original and came with such power that you could never forget, nor not recognize that it was a Michael Jackson video. He always brightened up a room when he walked through, it was very unfortunate he never lived a day in his life where he couldn't walk through a room and not get bombarded by the ugliness and drama this world comes with. His haven was Never land, with his kids... more »
He will never be forgotten
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:44PMHelissanMichael meeu amoor, miinha viida ♥Ele faz minha vida ficar : MAIS Bonita..♥ te amo
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:38PMHelissanAmoor da Minha Vida : Michael Joseph JacksonJá se passaram 3 meses que você se fooi..e o meeu mundo desaboou..Meeu amoor por você Michael é ETERNO ♥
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:38PMautumnthe bestI remember first learning of MJ as a child. I did an amazing video to "Bad" when I was like, 6. It was incredible. I knew then, then, that MJ was the biggest star on the planet. With his death, I am rediscovering his greatness. He was truly other-worldly and definitely the greatest artist ever. I cannot believe he's gone and I will never get over it, but I am so happy his legacy of being a great philanthropist and person will live on with his amazing music and performances; forever in our hearts, he will always be the best.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:32PMLaurinsemplicemente MichaelAmo la tua anima, il tuo cuore, il tuo sorriso e la tua sensibilità..come te nessuno mai mio dolcissimo mio cuore è con te!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:30PMYesica DovaleAlways on my mindConocí la música de Michael Jackson cuando era pequeña gracias a mi hermano que no dejaba de escucharlo y así me volví fanática como mi hermano... Pues sus videos y sus canciones me erizaban la piel y siempre movían mi corazón... aún me pone triste el recordar que ya no está entre nosotros y su música siempre la tengo presente.
Michael, te quiero aunque nunca te conocí personalmente
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:20PMlilian almeidate amo mikemike você sempre está nos meus pensamentos e no meu coração,não te deixo um dia sequer sozinho,sempre vou estar com você,ate um dia,você sempre me pareceu um príncipe encantado,te amo muito
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:19PMSMJto MJMichael i don't understand people who write about you bad things....How can wrote something like that about the most beautiful Angel our AD. If I could i want turn back time and save you. When that horrible day has come my life lost sense...I don't see colors, my days are dark, i can't smile but i know you don't want make me sad...When i see you in clips, films and other I back to the life but when i can't see you, hear you i start crying. I have hope you hear me...I write on this site day by day in hope you help me....
Please be with me in every moments of my sad life...My Angel...Your forever S.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:16PMNAHORYMy very first concertThousands and thousands of voices together SCREAMing MICHAEL JACKSON, mexico 1993, I was a child in the concert, in love of Michel's music and love for life, next to me, my sister screaming as loud as thunders in heaven,and my mother quiet but excited by the great good energy one man can produce in humanity...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:13PMHelissanI Love you Forever Michaelfez 3 meses que vx se fooi..meeu mundo desaboou..te amo ETERNAMEENTE!!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:11PMHelissanTe Amo Para A Viida ToodaPoor onde quer que eu vá..VOU TE LEVAR PARA SEMPRE..NO MEEU CORAÇÃO ♥
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:11PMIsabel PeñaAl Rey de la músicaDios te bendiga Michael Jackson.
Naciste grande y te convertiste en un coloso. El mejor en todo y en todos los sentidos. El mejor artista del universo, de la historia, del planeta, el mejor ser humano, el mejor hombre. El ser humano con más virtudes y cualidades que haya existido.
Nunca ha habido otro mortal capaz de tanto amor.
Gracias por todo lo que hiciste, por todo lo que nos diste, por todo lo que nos enseñaste, por todo tu legado.
11:33PMMelanieGone but not forgottenI only hope now Michael looks down on earth and realizes how much everyone really loved him. It's a shame that he didn't let someone into his life to love him unconditionally. My heart aches when I hear stories of how lonely he was. At least he had his children to love for a while.
It's a terrible shame what the media does to anyone with celebrity status. It's time we realize that celebrities deserve a life like us normal people. Just because they entertain us, doesn't give us the right to take their lives away.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:29PMCamilaBrazilian fanMichael...more »
I miss you...
I love you forever!
you're always in my heart...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:19PMJose BravoQEPDMichael QEPD eres y seguiras siendo el Rey Del Pop mis condolencias a su familia.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:18PMMJ FanMichael Jackson Tribute Forum.
Visit us for the latest MJ News
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:13PMCamilaMichael Jackson " King of pop forever "O nosso amado Rei do Pop nunca morrerá, ele sempre viverá em nosso coração...
Ele sempre será lembrado por todos nós!
Ele está fazendo muita falta =/
Ainda não caiu a ficha...
Não dá para acreditar que o nosso Rei se foi tão cedo...
O Mike agora se tornou uma linda e imensa estrela no céu...
Ele brilhou em vida em cima dos palcos agora ele brilha como uma linda estrela no céu...
A saudade e a dor da perda nos faz sofrer muito... é uma dor inexplicável...
Mas devemos nos lembrar que o Mike mesmo com os problemas, ele sempre foi uma pessoa feliz que amava a vida os filhos, a familia, os amigos, e nós fãs...
O Michael cumpriu sua missão aqui na terra
Ele nos encheu de muita alegria com suas lindas canções e com suas brilhantes coreográfias que jamais serã esquecidas por nós!more »
Descance em Paz Rei do POP
Michael Jackson KING OF POP FOREVER!!
Luto Eterno! Saudades Eternas!
Te Amarei Eternamente!
beijos de sua fã do Brazil Camila
I love you forever!!!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:11PMAlice PerryrockmoWill always love you Michael-will keep your memory alive forever-i want you back!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
11:07PMaby jacksonmichael jacksonaku turut beduka cita dengan alm.michael jackson
bukan aku saja mj dan teman- temanku
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Please, don´t go away forever!
please,not die!
Please stay here!
Miss you so that you can´t imagine how.
Please, answer me if you can.
I always believed in you, I will always be faithfull to you.
Believe it, my love, now and forever.
With love
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:58PMNatalieM.Ji miss him very much he will always br the KING OF POP! He really was the greatest Entertainer who ever lived he did many GREAT Things that will always be remembered. R.i.p Michael now maybe people will leave you alone LOVE YOU M.J
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:50PMSAINT JOAN OF ARCBarrow Street, NYCi remember it, as if it were yesterday. i was 15 years young, the year 1969...The Jackson 5 with Mrs.& Mr. Joseph Jackson crossing(south to north direction)Barrow Street and 7th Avenue, Greenwich Village,NYC. Couldn't believe what i was seeing...i ran and screamed at the them: HEY! The JACKSON 5,The Jackson 5!!!!! With a beautiful and humble smile, the entire family waved at me. Clearly i remember the smallest child walking in front of everyone else. The one & only Michael Jackson, he was just 11 years young
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:44PMtarynthankyou.i can't say i was fanatic, but i fell in love with your music and your love for peace, joy, and wanting to make the world a better place. Thank you for giving us your music, your dance, and your heart. I have love for you and i appreciate everything you've done and the person you ARE.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:37PMLani Jacksonhow i will remember himhe was flat out amazing..... i loved him my whole life, and when he died..... my world collapsed. i cried and cried and cried, because he was amazing.... i had met him and we had gotten together alot and we were greta friends... and to know that he is gone..... i want to die...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:17PMangel2000MichaelAMAZING thats what you are you shine like the stars the beauty you are inside and out you came from heaven shining the breath of god still fresh on you and came in my heart i love you michael i hope your tears are few now and i hope your dreams are coming true at last i also believe miracles and i believe you are here i have done searching and its so amazing!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:16PMIbethpara el mas chulina,bueno y mejor artista de este artista de este mundo!!!!mi amor te amamos... Esperamos que sigas bailando estés donde estés.. MICHAEL JACKSON THE KING OF POP. Besos a toda la familia Jackson Fuerza Paris!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
10:12PMEmaanit is up to us just wanted world peace and healing. since ur last day, u tried to make the world a better place, and in a way, you did. now, its up to us. sadly, i became a fan and discovered you after u died. however, i do remember when i first heard u. i was in the first grade when my brother borrowed the thriller cd from one of his friends. i fell in love with beat it. if only i gave ur music more attention. although, ur music was only a small part of ur greatness. i admire you for ur incredible humanity and love, which u portrayed through ur charity work, and songs. all i have to say now is that i will MAKE THAT CHANGE!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:53PMK SchmidtMichael JacksonI never saw Michael in concert or in person at all, but my most vivid memories of him are his music videos. I definitely remember watching the dvd of the Bucharest concert, as well, and it was awesome. My most prized MJ possesion is my History album, which I own both on cassestte and CD - I was so thrilled to go to the store and get that!!!! May Michael's music forever touch people's lives and may his musical genius continue to radiate through the current and up-and-coming artists for years to come. Rest in peace, Michael. You are loved.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:28PMElias (elixer)i never forgot michael michael you are the king of pop forever and all world we love you to i'n sorry i'm not write good english i'm spanish but MICHAEL NUNCA TE OLVIDARE SERAS MI IDOLO POR SIEMPRE ERES LO MEJOR
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:19PMJust MeWhile You Are Gone!Dearest Michael,more »
While you are gone your brothers are monopolizing on your name. (wonder who's grand idea that was! Thanks dad, I mean Joseph!)While you are gone I will hope that all of your fans understand how much you hated that and how much you really did want to be a solo artist and how hard you worked to make that happen. I hope that all of your fans actually listen to your music to figure that out! I am praying that all of your fans do not buy into this whole 'Jackson' family bulls*** (aside of maybe his sisters)that is being slapped all over the place! I pray that all of your true fans do not buy these bulls*** books that are coming out from left field and tainting your (now) good name. I pray that people do not feed into the bulls*** that did nothing but torture your world and in the end ultimately put you into the grave! I will be praying that your fans do not buy these books and videos and pictures and whatever else they can come up with just so fans can hold on to your memory. While you are gone I will be remembering you as you were and how you should be remembered. While you are gone I will try my best everyday to give you the love that you never felt when you were here because the world turned their backs on you! While you are gone things will never be the same! BUT WHILE YOU ARE GONE I WILL NOT FEED INTO THE MONEY HUNGRY f***
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
9:12PMMJ FanMichael Jackson Tribute Forum.
Visit us for the latest MJ News
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:41PMJohn maniiing The best man everI wanted to be a cartoonist all my life I tryed to right micheal
but nothing ever came of it but from the way he inspired me
by helping kids because the is always some one going threw worst
so I made a cartoon called purpo the name was browken down from
the word purpose.He made a theme park in his back yard. I was like cool its a blessing thou I know he is looking down
and when I get my website for my cartoon runing I will say bless him!! but the most valued thing is he loved kids.
HEAL THE WORLD!!!!! John Manning
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:28PMnathalie preciadowe love uwe love michael there will never be anyone like you again we miss you dearly and wish that you were still here one day we will see you again you r not alone god bless your family
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:27PMyvette hinksonlost without youi was already crying before i came here and then i thought about the song i was going to write about tonight and then the tears starting flowing worse. i miss you. it started when i read an article in the paper about you today. it made me feel your hurt and pain again. i know you struggled with some things that you may never of struggled with if people werent so mean and i wish that somehow i could of came to your world and helped you. i dont know if i would of been allowed in, but i just keep thinking what if. i wish that i could of helped you. when i cry lately its just helpless tears, ones that i know i cant do anything about it type of cries, so its just a cry that tears come out i am just sitting here not knowing that i am even crying at first with a blank stare on my face. but today i am crying like i am hurting really bad. the type of cry when you tighten up your facial expressions and cant control what comes out. i can hardly sit up. i want to tell you that i always thought you were so beautiful, handsome and i thought your personality was amazing. i pray that god please tell you how i feel. sometimes i say how can i move on and i really mean it, but other times i am desperate and really dont know how and now is one of those times. i hear your voice sometimes and its hurts so bad like the most excruciating pain. i dont mean that i dont want to hear you, it just means that i am hurting because i feel like i need you and i cant have you here, and when i hear your voice it makes it so much more apparent. i miss you michael. if you wanted to be back and if i could give up something to bring you here i would. i think about you and how sensitive you were and it hurts me when i now know about things that hurt you. i'm sorry michael. i am so sorry. i just wish i could know how you were feeling at this moment. i just wish i could know. i have loved you with what has seemed like a lifetime to me and i want you to know i will love you for another 1000 lifetimes. i miss you so much.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:19PMjow jow=(i'm stilling cant belive it
i'm keep waiting
to wake up
and...that is just a bad dream
this nite that i went to bed...happy becouse FINALLY i was to see you,the big Michael in person,the amaizing show your body,YOU.THIS FUKING NITE...that my friends desesperately called me at the phone i and said "no,no its impossible"
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
8:18PMjow jow=(i'm stilling cant belive it
i'm keep waiting
to wake up
and...that is just a bad dream
this nite that i went to bed...happy becouse FINALLY i was to see you,the big Michael in person,the amaizing show your body,YOU.THIS FUKING NITE...that my friends desesperately called me at the phone i and said "no,no its impossible"
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:54PMJenn:DI am more of the younger generation but Michael has made me feel like music is a way of life not just words that you sing to a melody. I loved him just like you all when he was live and I am still mourning at the loss of the one who gave us the sounds of pop. Everyone will miss him, even if they thought he did some bad things he is still a part of their life forever and ever.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:45PMZoe mayGoodnight MichealGoodnight peterpan....i love you. I need you tonight...please. I love you so much.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:36PMHelissanMichael meeu amoor, miinha viida ♥Ele faz miinha vida ficar MAIS BONIITA..TE AMO MICHAEL ♥
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:35PMCIDA MACHADO BRASILAMOR ETERNOHoje 3 meses e 1 dia depois da sua morte a ficha caiu,estou em choque,sempre achei que tudo foi um mal entendido,e que você estavá vivo e se cuidado,mais hoje eu lendo e vendo muitos videos eu acredito que realmente você se foi,vendo o clip do seu filme eu vejo como você está magro,eu não sei o que aconteceu que você não alimentava direito,penso que a midia é a grande culpada pela sua morte,você sempre foi tão cobrado por todos,sua vida sempre foi esposta você nunca teve privacidade acho que só no seu quarto você conseguia ficar só,sua vida parecia ser boa mais na realidade sua vida era triste,vejo que o passar dos anos seus olhos ficaram triste,seu sorriso não mostrava mais a alegria genuina,você perdeu a alegria de viver,viver para que?se não pode fazer nada sem que no outro dia seje manchete em todos os jornais,queria ter te conhecido não como fã,mais como uma pessoa que queria te ajudar a ver o brilho da vida,queria ter te ajudado a superar tantos traumas,tantas injustiças,você é um ser humano incrivél que se perdeu ao longo da vida,hoje só me resta a frustração por não ter te ajudado a viver mais e melhor, te amo mais,te amo para sempre. MICHAEL você será eternamente KING OF POP.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:29PMthe_driver44@hotmail.contrilleres lo mejor
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:19PMVanuza silvaCOMES !!!Comes !!!more »
This community was created as a bubble, a protest in support of artists from all areas, Movies, music, television and many others. People who have invaded their lives and ignored by journalists, photographers and simulators of entertainment, if we can characterize them as such. These beings come to years invading the privacy of artists, lying on their lives, twisting facts, posting pictures, text with untruths, acting with a lack of character, greed and worse, destroys our idols.The example we have the Lady Diana, who died as a consequence of the persecution of the Paparazzi. Michael Jackson the leading artist of the music world's all time who lived under pressure since his childhood, treated by biased tabloids had their dignity tarnished by newspapers, TV, magazines that tried and sentenced to the daily suffering. In Brazil we have Chico Buarque, Marisa Monte, Ronaldo Nazario, Renato Russo and many others. For a long time we see our idols say that this must stop.
This community is the beginning of "enough" We are saying "Comes !!!".
Say no to the gossip magazines, the sensationalist programs, the tabloids, the radios that transmit information about the lives of people artists. Seek the truth whenever you feel necessary. Do not spend your time with television programs, 5 of which survive to invent lies. It is up to each to identify the relevance of information about the personal life of artists, how this information interesting to us.
If this information really make a difference in the love that each felt for her idol, always seek the truth about the facts.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:09PMfannypas un instant sans pensé à toi...Tu nous manques
le monde est bien laid sans ton sourire...
je t'aime Michael
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:08PMcharisrest in peace mike i love you:)lets say michael was to good to be true and to goood for this world lets hope evreyone will leave him alone and let him rest in peace and the soo much pain his familys going throw i feel so sorry for them and especially his kid there probley heartbroken. i love you michael and you will always be in my brain heart and my soul you have been a great man rest in peace:)
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
7:05PMsalvaalle albummichael jackson ist die numer 1
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:59PMAnna Urbina MJ - you will always be in my heart .. in Guatemala the land of Eternal Spring MJ... I was born in 1958 like you... I loved you since you began to sing for us, through my life your music was my inspiration, I became an aerobics instructor, a spinning instructor and a fitness competitor and your music always inspired me in the good times in my lonely times.. I loved your music and you... I understood you ..because I had to go through life alone with my only child Rachel... and success means a lot of work alone... most of the time... and your music fulfilled my heart. I cried the moment I got the news of you going to the other side, I cry when I see your energy in the videos ... but you know what, I dreamed of you and saw you making a video playing with children a few days after you passed away, so I am at peace, I know I saw you, you were having are O.K.. but I will miss you here... your music, your energy, your need for real love will help me just remembering you... my life will be better... love you MJ...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:57PMbeatriz parrael genioLos genios como tu nunca mueren, vivaras en la eternidad porque tu musica nos hara recodarte en cada momento, en cada baile, en cada risa y en cada lagrima.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:52PMJenny BohorquezHondurasI was sleeping when I heard the news of Michael Jackson passing. I woke up to endless texts and voice mails and my friend waking my up to tell me "Michael Jackson just died". I jumped up and I could not believe it. It couldn't be true, it must be a joke. My heart sank to my stomach and I didn't want to brace myself for the truth. I see it in the news and that it had been confirmed he passed away. I just sat there in shock and completely speechless. Right away all I could remember was the first time I ever remember seeing MJ. I was 3 yrs old sitting on the floor being my mischievous self, eating powdered milk out of the box. And on the tv was Michael Jackson performing on the tv. A tiny black and white tv mind you. It was such a short memory but it was my memory to the beginning of what would be a found, admirable love for this talented, incredible human being. I grew up listening to Michael, and I was always so excited for when he came out with a new video. His videos were always so original and came with such power that you could never forget, nor not recognize that it was a Michael Jackson video. He always brightened up a room when he walked through, it was very unfortunate he never lived a day in his life where he couldn't walk through a room and not get bombarded by the ugliness and drama this world comes with. His haven was Never land, with his kids... more »
He will never be forgotten
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:44PMHelissanMichael meeu amoor, miinha viida ♥Ele faz minha vida ficar : MAIS Bonita..♥ te amo
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:38PMHelissanAmoor da Minha Vida : Michael Joseph JacksonJá se passaram 3 meses que você se fooi..e o meeu mundo desaboou..Meeu amoor por você Michael é ETERNO ♥
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:38PMautumnthe bestI remember first learning of MJ as a child. I did an amazing video to "Bad" when I was like, 6. It was incredible. I knew then, then, that MJ was the biggest star on the planet. With his death, I am rediscovering his greatness. He was truly other-worldly and definitely the greatest artist ever. I cannot believe he's gone and I will never get over it, but I am so happy his legacy of being a great philanthropist and person will live on with his amazing music and performances; forever in our hearts, he will always be the best.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:32PMLaurinsemplicemente MichaelAmo la tua anima, il tuo cuore, il tuo sorriso e la tua sensibilità..come te nessuno mai mio dolcissimo mio cuore è con te!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:30PMYesica DovaleAlways on my mindConocí la música de Michael Jackson cuando era pequeña gracias a mi hermano que no dejaba de escucharlo y así me volví fanática como mi hermano... Pues sus videos y sus canciones me erizaban la piel y siempre movían mi corazón... aún me pone triste el recordar que ya no está entre nosotros y su música siempre la tengo presente.
Michael, te quiero aunque nunca te conocí personalmente
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:20PMlilian almeidate amo mikemike você sempre está nos meus pensamentos e no meu coração,não te deixo um dia sequer sozinho,sempre vou estar com você,ate um dia,você sempre me pareceu um príncipe encantado,te amo muito
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:19PMSMJto MJMichael i don't understand people who write about you bad things....How can wrote something like that about the most beautiful Angel our AD. If I could i want turn back time and save you. When that horrible day has come my life lost sense...I don't see colors, my days are dark, i can't smile but i know you don't want make me sad...When i see you in clips, films and other I back to the life but when i can't see you, hear you i start crying. I have hope you hear me...I write on this site day by day in hope you help me....
Please be with me in every moments of my sad life...My Angel...Your forever S.
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:16PMNAHORYMy very first concertThousands and thousands of voices together SCREAMing MICHAEL JACKSON, mexico 1993, I was a child in the concert, in love of Michel's music and love for life, next to me, my sister screaming as loud as thunders in heaven,and my mother quiet but excited by the great good energy one man can produce in humanity...
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:13PMHelissanI Love you Forever Michaelfez 3 meses que vx se fooi..meeu mundo desaboou..te amo ETERNAMEENTE!!
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:11PMHelissanTe Amo Para A Viida ToodaPoor onde quer que eu vá..VOU TE LEVAR PARA SEMPRE..NO MEEU CORAÇÃO ♥
Flag as inappropriate.September 26th
6:11PMIsabel PeñaAl Rey de la músicaDios te bendiga Michael Jackson.
Naciste grande y te convertiste en un coloso. El mejor en todo y en todos los sentidos. El mejor artista del universo, de la historia, del planeta, el mejor ser humano, el mejor hombre. El ser humano con más virtudes y cualidades que haya existido.
Nunca ha habido otro mortal capaz de tanto amor.
Gracias por todo lo que hiciste, por todo lo que nos diste, por todo lo que nos enseñaste, por todo tu legado.
"MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT” 2 CD Music Collector's Edition With Souvenir Movie Poster

SEPTEMBER 26, 2009
The Limited Edition 2-CD Music set featuring the music that inspired MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT including a deluxe 36-page booklet and souvenir movie poster is now available for pre-order.
Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film. The disc ends with two versions of the never-released "This Is It." This song is featured in the film's closing sequence and includes backing vocals by Michael's brothers, the Jacksons.
Disc two offers previously unreleased versions of some of the artist's classic tracks. This disc also features a touching spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled "Planet Earth" that has never been heard before.
The package includes a 36-page, commemorative booklet featuring exclusive photos of Michael from his last rehearsal along with an 11x17 movie poster printed in support of the film launch (unavailable elsewhere).
Click here for more information on The Michael Jackson's This Is It 2 CD Collector's Edition. .Login or register to post comments+ Share
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The Limited Edition 2-CD Music set featuring the music that inspired MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT including a deluxe 36-page booklet and souvenir movie poster is now available for pre-order.
Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film. The disc ends with two versions of the never-released "This Is It." This song is featured in the film's closing sequence and includes backing vocals by Michael's brothers, the Jacksons.
Disc two offers previously unreleased versions of some of the artist's classic tracks. This disc also features a touching spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled "Planet Earth" that has never been heard before.
The package includes a 36-page, commemorative booklet featuring exclusive photos of Michael from his last rehearsal along with an 11x17 movie poster printed in support of the film launch (unavailable elsewhere).
Click here for more information on The Michael Jackson's This Is It 2 CD Collector's Edition. .Login or register to post comments+ Share
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Last song for Michael (Lyrics)

Miles away, oceans apart never been my sight always in my heart the love is always there it will never die only growing stronger tears down my eye I am thinking all the time when the day will come standing there before you accept this Hajj of mine standing in ihram, making my tawaf drinking blessings from your well the challenges that I have suffered rekindles my imaan O Allah! I am waiting for the call praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall O Allah! I am waiting for the call praying for the day when I can be near Your Kabah wall I feel alive and I feel strong I can feel Islam running in my Veins to see my muslim brothers, their purpose all the same greeting one ano ther, exalting one True Name I truly hope one day that everyone's a Muslim. that they remember you in everything they say standing in ihram makimg my tawaf, making my tawaf drinkingblessings from your well the challenges that I have suffered rekindles my imaan O Allah! I am waiting for the call praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall O Allah! I am waiting for the call praying for the day when I can be near Your Kabah wall
Friday, September 25, 2009
Jackson family supports Michael Jackson tribute concert - Jermaine Jackson


LONDON - Jermaine Jackson denied on Wednesday rumours that other members of the Jackson family oppose the concert he plans to stage in Vienna later this month in memory of his brother Michael.
Jackson also dismissed reports that two of the biggest stars he has lined up for the Vienna concert would not show and said he hoped Stevie Wonder would also play the Sept. 26 gig, to be staged in front of Vienna’s Schoenbrunn castle.
"I invited my mother, I invited my brothers and sisters as well," he told a news conference in London. "I am not happy with the talk being said in the press about the support isn’t there. My mother from the very start supported this."
Jackson himself aims to perform a virtual duet with his late brother who died from a drug overdose on June 25, weeks ahead of a planned marathon series of stadium concerts in London.
Showbiz websites have speculated the show could bomb because the few big names so far announced might not be able to make it.
Jackson confirmed that singer Mary J. Blige would be busy at a fashion event in Italy on the day of the concert, but that she would fly in to perform in its second half. R&B star Chris Brown, who is on probation for assaulting his ex-girlfriend, the pop star Rihanna, will perform if allowed to leave the United States. "He wants to be here. It’s just up to what he’s going through with his court case right now," Jackson said. "He’s definitely going to be here."
When asked whether Brown’s well publicised assault would lower the tone of the concert, he replied: "Not at all. And I’ll tell you why. He’s asked for forgiveness. ... He’s a wonderful performer and during these times people need support."
Jackson did not confirm any big new acts since unveiling plans for the concert at a news conference on Tuesday.
But he said it was likely that Stevie Wonder, R. Kelly and Maroon 5 would perform, alongside a roster of names from India and the Middle East that he is putting together.
Jackson said there had been talk of holding the concert at Washington’s Lincoln Memorial, but he had chosen the European venue due to his brother’s huge fan base there.
At one point in the news conference, Jackson the broke into tears when asked whether his family had been able to grieve Michael’s death in private.
"We haven’t had time yet, we are trying to find our time just to be a family and pick up the pieces and move on," he said.
"At the same time we realise that Michael just didn’t belong to us, he belonged to the world and we have to continue to ... give them what they want."
Organisers expect an audience of 65,000 and that millions will watch on TV screens worldwide as artists reinterpret Jackson’s greatest hits including Billie Jean, Thriller and Bad.
Tickets for the concert are being sold in stages for 63 to 518 euros ($91-$745) each. More than half have been sold. The concert’s producer, Georg Kindel, said he had seen fake tickets for 1,000 pounds ($1,651) for sale on the web.
Jackson also dismissed reports that two of the biggest stars he has lined up for the Vienna concert would not show and said he hoped Stevie Wonder would also play the Sept. 26 gig, to be staged in front of Vienna’s Schoenbrunn castle.
"I invited my mother, I invited my brothers and sisters as well," he told a news conference in London. "I am not happy with the talk being said in the press about the support isn’t there. My mother from the very start supported this."
Jackson himself aims to perform a virtual duet with his late brother who died from a drug overdose on June 25, weeks ahead of a planned marathon series of stadium concerts in London.
Showbiz websites have speculated the show could bomb because the few big names so far announced might not be able to make it.
Jackson confirmed that singer Mary J. Blige would be busy at a fashion event in Italy on the day of the concert, but that she would fly in to perform in its second half. R&B star Chris Brown, who is on probation for assaulting his ex-girlfriend, the pop star Rihanna, will perform if allowed to leave the United States. "He wants to be here. It’s just up to what he’s going through with his court case right now," Jackson said. "He’s definitely going to be here."
When asked whether Brown’s well publicised assault would lower the tone of the concert, he replied: "Not at all. And I’ll tell you why. He’s asked for forgiveness. ... He’s a wonderful performer and during these times people need support."
Jackson did not confirm any big new acts since unveiling plans for the concert at a news conference on Tuesday.
But he said it was likely that Stevie Wonder, R. Kelly and Maroon 5 would perform, alongside a roster of names from India and the Middle East that he is putting together.
Jackson said there had been talk of holding the concert at Washington’s Lincoln Memorial, but he had chosen the European venue due to his brother’s huge fan base there.
At one point in the news conference, Jackson the broke into tears when asked whether his family had been able to grieve Michael’s death in private.
"We haven’t had time yet, we are trying to find our time just to be a family and pick up the pieces and move on," he said.
"At the same time we realise that Michael just didn’t belong to us, he belonged to the world and we have to continue to ... give them what they want."
Organisers expect an audience of 65,000 and that millions will watch on TV screens worldwide as artists reinterpret Jackson’s greatest hits including Billie Jean, Thriller and Bad.
Tickets for the concert are being sold in stages for 63 to 518 euros ($91-$745) each. More than half have been sold. The concert’s producer, Georg Kindel, said he had seen fake tickets for 1,000 pounds ($1,651) for sale on the web.
Michael Jackson Fans: This Is It - CD Release!

On October 12th, the first new Michael Jackson song to emerge since the world mourned the loss of this musical icon will be released – a brand new single entitled "This Is It." Soon after, Sony Music Entertainment's Columbia/Epic Label Group will release the two-disc album This Is It featuring the music that inspired Sony Pictures’ forthcoming film MICHAEL JACKSON’S THIS IS IT. This two-disc album will be available internationally on October 26th and North America on October 27th to coincide with the worldwide release of the motion picture which arrives in theaters on October 28th and runs for a limited two-week engagement.
"This song only defines, once again, what the world already knows - that Michael is one of God's greatest gifts," comments John McClain, co-producer of the album. READ MORE
On October 12th, the first new Michael Jackson song to emerge since the world mourned the loss of this musical icon will be released – a brand new single entitled "This Is It." Soon after, Sony Music Entertainment's Columbia/Epic Label Group will release the two-disc album This Is It featuring the music that inspired Sony Pictures’ forthcoming film MICHAEL JACKSON’S THIS IS IT. This two-disc album will be available internationally on October 26th and North America on October 27th to coincide with the worldwide release of the motion picture which arrives in theaters on October 28th and runs for a limited two-week engagement.
"This song only defines, once again, what the world already knows - that Michael is one of God's greatest gifts," comments John McClain, co-producer of the album. READ MORE
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
577,100memories from Michael Jackson fans worldwide...


September 23rd
I miss you Michael
Today was the first time I cried in over a week. I was listening to you sing Heaven Can Wait, and I just broke down in tears. I have heard the song a hundred times but thoughts of you being gone flooded my mind and it hurts so bad knowing you are no longer here. Michael I have been a fan my entire life and you were like a member of my family. You were the only person in the world that I could relate to. Not my family or my friends, but you. You have been through so much of the same things I have and I wished I could have been there for you the way you were for me. I honestly can't get over the fact that you are gone. It hurts so much. You were my idol and my friend. I love you with all my heart and I always will. You will forever be remembered in my heart.
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September 23rd
to Michael's kids and family....
Michael is in the arms of God seeing down at you kids. Every morning when you wake up and look out side, say good morning daddy and smile. He can hear and see you. One day in the far future you will be with daddy again....peace to all, which I could be there for you all. Special hugs to Paris. KEEP HIM ALIVE FOREVER........
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September 23rd
Each time the wind blow, i hear your voice so, i call your name. Whispers in each morning, our love is dawning and heaven gladly came. You know how i feel, this thing can't go wrong,I'm so proud to say i love you.Your loves get me high, this feeling so precious...I just can't stop loving you And if i stop, and tell me just what will i do...i just can't stop loving you... When morning awakes me., will you come and take me.. i'll wait for you. i need you ,michael. there's nothing here that i want to do but to love you. Your life i want to enter into..your dream i want to be a part of...your tears i'd always to wipe off...your sad face each time i would watch, pinch my heart, guilty of not helping you,but i wanted to do so until you disappeared and i lost the chance of doing it and it made me shed tears of pity over you and tears of guilt.I wish i'd have told you that you are loved and don't worry, God is with you and i am with you. You never have to feel sad because i'm here to support you. Oh, Michael..these desperate moments i need somebody to hold on's like i am floating and carried by wind with nowhere to go. it's like i'm inside the whirlwind and just letting myself be turned around and around with the hope that i could forget all these miseries and aches...more »
You are not alone,For i am here with you,Though we're far apart,You're always in my heart,
You never said goodbye,Someone tell me why,Did you have to go and,Leave my world behind.
Everyday i sit and ask myself,How did love slip away,Something whispers in my ear and say:That you are not alone, I am here with you,Tough we're far apart,You're always in my heart...
Michael, you' always in my matter what i're always deep,deep inside of me. You have a big space inside it that only you can fill. I love you...i need you...i want you ...Please wait for me.
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September 23rd
Isabel Peña
Para nuestro REY
ETERNA VIDA AL REY EN NUESTROS CORAZONES.DIOS TE BENDIGA MICHAEL.Por favor, si alguien desea de corazón compartir pensamientos e impresiones sobre Michael,escríbanme al e-mail:
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September 23rd
Isabel Peña
Para nuestro REY
Por favor, si alguno de ustedes quiere compartir pensamientos e impresiones sobre Michael, por favor escríbanme a este correo:
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September 23rd
do you see us here?
Michael, i wonder if you see us here. i love and miss you.
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September 23rd
wish you;re here
i want to see you, mike, i want you back.
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September 23rd
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September 23rd
it hurts so bad...michael. i love you very much..though it's a's hard to fight and survive each day especially when i think that i wasn't able to help you from your grieving. it hurts me and feel guilty although you didn't know me. i am saddened by your lonely and helpless life and i try hard to not think of those memories of yours.more »
Don't Walk Away
Don't walk away,I just can't find words to say, MichaelI don't know how to stop you from walking away,DO i have to get down on my knees just to make you stay...Tell me what i must do so you don't walk away.
I still have so many things to say andtell you,I close my eyes and try to see you smile again,But the pain so deep inside,And all my dreams for you are gone,All my wishes are gone...I don't know where i am going...
But you are walking away, and...don't know what to do...There's nothing left to do...butWalk away.
And you walked ...away...I won't forget you, Michael,I won't forget you...You are my endless love...
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September 23rd
Dunamis T. White
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September 23rd
Michael,the day will come when you and i will meet as i am waiting for it to come. i am not giving up my hope that i can see you and be with you there. It's a hard life here waiting every second for the beginning of my life there with you. If you aren't coming back, i will follow you my baby, my Michael.No use existing here without you.for my children,they have good grandparents and good relatives to take care of them, although my love would always be different, but i have to come to's my greatest dream to see and have you back in my arms.It's my frustration that i didn't see you before you departed, so at least there, i will be witnessing your life and experience your wonder that i've been longing and dreaming. everynight, i would wonder if i could sleep soundly and have you in my dreams and wonder every morning what my day would be again without you. I am counting every second of my life here, life that/s miserable,each day because i couldn't tell anybody about how i feel...this heaviness inside and suppressed feeling i am longing to express and so no5 doing makes me forget things that i should do and i am messing up my life. Every morning, i wake up thinking that a day goes by again longing for yo and thinking of your not coming back scares me a lot. Wanting you to come back because i want to and can't help but wanting you and not seeing you here scares me and of not doing well of my responsibilities with my family. Your thought of being away and not living here anymore is so frightening that i could almost die of frustration. I want to pull you back but i know i couldn't and i'm lost and drowned in deep sorrow, like i'm floating with nothing inside my head just letting my body carried away by the wind. I've been trying to cope with your loss for the sake of sanity,but i feel like a child given with candies and chocolate but grabbing them away from her is what i feel-pushing away your memories from me though i love to hear and see you and so i try to fight the suppressed emotion. MICHAEL PLS. FOLLOW NEXT PAGE...
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September 23rd
Isabel Peña
Para nuestro angelical Michael
Por favor no olviden la verdadera esencia de Michael: AMOR.El amor infinito que tenía por la vida y por la humanidad. Ese era su verdadero mensaje; que el amor es la fuente de todo lo bello, bueno y evolutivo, y el único camino hacia la paz. Eso era lo que más quería; que entendiéramos que lo más importante de la vida es el AMOR. El mismo era amor puro, encarnado. Esa belleza de su corazón es lo que se reflejaba en su música, en sus canciones, en sus ojos, en su increíblemente hermosa sonrisa.Dios te bendiga Michel Jackson.I LOVE YOU MICHAEL.
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September 23rd
Blanca Sanchez
Still sad
I still can't accept Michael is gone... I still cry when I see his videos and hear his songs! He went to soon, I miss him really much. I love you Michael!!
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September 22nd
Susan Crawford
We will love you will live within us always...your shining star will forever guide us on our path.
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September 22nd
MJ Fan
Michael Jackson Tribute Site. »
Come Visit Us!
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September 22nd
Michael has dejado tu huella en cada persona que te admira.Fuiste un ser maravilloso, tierno, amable,un buen padre, hijo, hermano, amigo, etc. con tu gran talento , le enseñaste al mundo tu estilo , tu forma de crear musica.Descansa en paz, te lo mereces por tu gran esfuerzo en ayudar a los que necesitaban ayuda de ti, por tu gran ejemplo.TQM. SIEMPRE TE RECORDARE.
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September 22nd
Mayra Aravel
Michael you live in my heart
Michael... por Dios, aun no lo creo... y sabes por que? por que para mi y estoy segura de que para muchos, vives en nuestros corazones, en nuestra memoria, en tu musica, en el espiritu de las cosas buenas del mundo, en tu legado, en los niños, y sobre todo en tus tres y maravillosos hijos. Se que no nos avandonaste Michael porque siempre estaras pendiente de ellos aunque no te veamos... sentimos la escencia de tu espiritu.Gracias por todo lo que nos das... ¡Se feliz! te amo mucho... y te digo "Yo te amo mas"
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September 22nd
Missing You!!
I really miss you MJ. OMG I hate this happen and I hate he is gone.
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September 22nd
Stop saying Michael is alive. You will be flagged.
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September 22nd
Felipe Gomes
I Wanna Be Where You Are
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September 22nd
memorying him
i remember when i used to make fun of him and one day i came home from school and looked him up on youtube listen two all his songs and then feel in love with him now i when i heard he died i was satring at the tv for 30 minites with my eyes glazing and my muth open i cried and cried for many days and no i worship his love u and RIP MICHAEL JACKSON THE KING OF POP AND NO THE LEGEND
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September 22nd
Felipe Gomes
I Wanna Be Where You Are
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September 22nd
Cintia Leocadio
Meu rei
Te amo pra sempre......
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September 22nd
My first memory of Michael Jackson goes back to when i was 5 or 6 years old, and goes all the way through my life. He was 10 years older than me. I remember listening to J5 45's on the record player, then thriller in my early teens, then bad in my late teens, etc. It won't be the same without him, there will never be another MJ, not as a entertainer or humanitarian. This world has lost the best angel it ever had. RIP MJ. I love you.
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September 22nd
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September 22nd
Ashley Bigard
I will never forget...
I will never forget the day I learned to stand on my toes like Michael. It made me feel like I was a part of him. His legacy and legend will live on forever. Long live the King!!!!
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September 22nd
King of pop Forever
Michael Jackson fue el mejor cantante y coreografo y necesita su día de Memoria como era el y no lo que hizo malo que rumoreaban.
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September 22nd
Remembering MR.Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was a great dad,husband,little brother and a singer. Michael made mine life so easier but... when he died. My soul for Michael Jackson just died I had noting left for him so that's why I try not to cry when I listen to his wonderful music and voice and I LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON. Thank You for reading my note and expressing my feelings for Michael Joseph Jackson.more »
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September 22nd
cheyenne alexander
i miss you michael jackson
michael you were a good man all these years and i wish you came back on earth with us i love and i wish i can meet you like everyday i hope you come back and science you were dead my grama almost cryed when you died. love cheyenne
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September 22nd
calvin alexander
60 years watching michael jackson
dear michael,i watch you on tv since 2000 i am a biggest fan of you.i wish you would live a little longer to start your this is it tour to watch you sing in front of million of people so i ever wanted to meet you,but i was too late so i will miss you forever,and you will be my idol forever.i,ll make pray for your family and your three children to look after and the music that you and your brothers and sisters have created,during many years ago with the jackson 5 and the jacksons, i pray you goodbye and god will takecare of your soul.
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September 22nd
missing you michael
Love ya Always
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September 22nd
te amo
michael jackson te amo te extraño. michael jackson whenever I think of you cent me so badly that I used not to cao and you did not hear a song you and me now that you left who do not I love youaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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September 22nd
.................EU AMO MJ................
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September 22nd
cymiah alexander
a pray to michael
michael was the best king in the whole world i was his biggest fan and i would go to my grandma's just to listen to his music my brother told me about him i'll miss him
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September 22nd
Rocio Cerca
A prayer for Michael.. I love You!!!!
Mike bendice nuestro corazón.. ayúdanos a cambiar el mundo..Llena de Paz y Amor el alma de quienes más lo necesitan..Acompañanos como lo haces siempre a suavizar la dureza de esta vida y a hacer frente con amor a quienes nos intentan quitar la alegría..more »
Mike Bless your heart .. help us change the world .. Peace and Love Fill out the soul of those most in need .. Join us as we always do to soften the harshness of this life and deal with love to those we seek to remove the joy .
I love You More EACH SECOND!
Rocío Cerca from Argntina!
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September 22nd
I miss you!!!
Michael foi um grande artista e uma maravilhosa pessoa que sabia que o melhor da vida é vivê-la como uma criança...Ele me ensinou isso mesmo depois de ter partido =/E eu sinto sua falta, mesmo nunca tendo estado ao seu lado. é uma mor de fã que sei que todos aqui tem por ele...Te amo Michael...Sempre amarei!!!!
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September 22nd
Watching Michael
Two nights ago I went to you tube and came across Michael Jackson's personal videos as I watched I must admit I laughed and cried. There were times Michael was acting like a child he was having water balloons fights, playing with super soakers water guns both with children and adults. Than at the end of tape 1 Michael was saying how he hated promoting, when someone came up to Michael and asked him not to be so negative, Michael said I'm not being negative, I'm being honest, so Michael gave in and said ok let's start over, I'm not going to tell you what Michael said and did. But I garentee you'll both laugh and cry. It shows Michael being Michael, not a performer. You'll LOVE it and than you'll think of what His children are missing out on.Michael's birth certificate may state he was a 50 close to51 year old man, but watching his own videos, where no one got to audit it or dictate it, you'll see the real Michael. On one of them Elizabeth Taylor decorated Michael's Neverland for Christmas for the first time for Michael's first Christmas not as a Johava's witness. The gleam and the excitement was that of a child. You Fans that are really missing Michael, I guarantee you'll love it. And it really brings to point how Michael really did miss out on his childhood. Theres so many on there I didn't get to watch all of them yet, but I hope too. It's nice to know that BEFORE THE LIES DESTROYED, MICHAEL, When he was home at Neverland how Happy he was, and how much of a child Michael could be. Oh man there's a show on again they are talking about who is the Father of Michael's children. Michael is the Father!!!!LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!! well fans go to you tube and watch Michael's personal videos, He's even narrating it himself. Enjoy!!!!
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September 22nd
Michael Jackson - Comenzó la leyenda...
Forever in our memories and in our hearts ... For all who love Michael, this is my little tribute to the idol of the music. With love ... * Naddy * Michael Jackson: The legend Blog: »
Also on Facebook: # / pages/Michael-Jackson-Comienza-la-leyenda/104837445998? ref = ts
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September 22nd
Alison Smith
Earth Song
This is the most powerful video I have ever seen...from the message to the images to the delivery. Michael's best by far
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September 22nd
yvette hinkson
lost without you
i am so tired from missing you. when i was a child i use to think that if i thought hard enough that what i was thinking about would come true, sort of like in the show in dream of jeanie. i felt like i had that power. i told you i always had a vivid imagination. but anyway, i think about that now and somewhere inside me i still hope that this imaginary power will become real and it will happen. its never happened of course that what i thought would become real, but i feel like i still feel that way because when i wake and realize your gone again and again i still feel surprised with a new type of pain and heartache. i miss you. its so hard for me to come here throughtout the day now, i have people who go to lunch at the same time as i do, who wont leave me alone to talk to you. i know some people worry about me coming here so much, but i want to speak to you in some type of way. its like they talk to me on purpose when i am on your site so i cant think. i know its bad, but i just want to be left to myself so i can think about you and talk to you. i love you so much michael. i will never forget you. i want you to know that i have felt the way i do today since i was a child and my love will never waiver. no matter what happens in my life, i will always have an image of you in the back of my mind. i will never let you die in my life. you will always be my prince. always.
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September 22nd
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September 22nd
Please call LAPD
Justic for Michael Jackson
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September 22nd
un agradecimiento
hola solo pasaba para decir que agradesco a michael jackson pues el me dio vida y me la seguiradando con sus cancionnes con sus pasos con sus expectaculos y lo mas importante su precencia en el esenario asi que quiciera que todos el dia que cumpla 6 meses de haverce ido de elte mundo que endodnde quiera que uds estes prendan una vela y pongan la cancion que mas les guste a las hhoras que el fallecio , agradeceria tanto que lo hicieran pues es muy importante para mi y es de la forma mas pequeña pero con mucho cariño que agradesco :more »
1)su nacimiento.pues si este no podriamos haver escuchado su grandiosa mucica2)por haver creado esas canciones por las cuales lloramos , nos emocionamos, nos alegrmos , o simplemente nos enamoramos mas que el
y creanme que mi lista no acavaria pero estas son las mas importantes que se me ocurren en este momento
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September 22nd
we love you!and hope the best for you're kids
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September 22nd
very .....
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September 22nd
Did any notice on the thisisit poster Michaels pants legs and shoes create a crown?
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September 22nd
NJ you are the greatest!
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September 22nd
Rajhaun Jordon
My first idol
Michael you are very missed by myself and my family. While we all love you, neither one of my parents would be able to give you the reason for why I liked you from the age of 3. I was never taught to think you were just the coolest person in existence. I am 24 now and can remember dancing to my father playing Bad and Smooth Criminal on his bass for me over and over again when I was only 3. I was never satisfied with just once. Instead of Big Bird or Mickey Mouse, I watched your videos all day. Forget Sesame Street... I wanna watch BAD or Dirty Diana or Thriller or my favorite, MOONWALKER. For my 6th Birthday I got 2 or 3 copies of Dangerous. Anyone who knew me, knew that was the perfect present. I have always believed in you and how you wanted to change the world. They did not want to listen to you Michael and they are much worse off for it. Some of your work changed over time, it did not have the same happy zest as it always did but I never misunderstood you. I understood your frustration with the world that wanted to attack you rather then treasure your good intentions and message of peace. I lost my mother not even a full year before myself and the rest of the world lost you. She was like you... Just wanted to see people happy but they were not always the nicest to her. She passed at 52. 2 of my heroes gone in 8 months. At first I was angry with God, saying if he is there why would he take my mother and destroy me the rest of the way by taking you, but after time of mourning you both I believe that it is just further proof that god if he is there, prefers good company. It was my mother that full filled my every whim of buying all your videos or whatever of yours there was to buy. To reminisce about you is the same as reminiscing about her. I hope you are both up there keeping each other company and watching over me. I will miss you both forever.
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September 22nd
MJ Fan
Michael Jackson Tribute Site.
Join Us For Free MJ Gifts!
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September 22nd
Michael!Don't to feel alone cause I'm with you. Always!You're eternity!I love you and I'll love all my life.God bless you and save your soul.Keep in peace my love!♥♥♥
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Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres

SEPTEMBER 21, 2009
--Special Advance Screenings For The Public Start Same Day --
Tickets Available This Sunday at
CULVER CITY, Calif., September 21, 2009 –Fans worldwide will have the opportunity to celebrate the global launch of Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT when Sony Pictures Entertainment hosts over 25 global premieres, with more than 15 of those coordinated simultaneously around the world, on Tuesday, October 27th. Three hours after the red carpet events begin, audiences will be able to see the highly anticipated film for the first time as the studio has added special advance screenings that evening throughout the world.
Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT will be available worldwide for a limited two-week engagement beginning, Wednesday October 28. Tickets for all shows, including the Tuesday night special advance screenings, are available for purchase beginning this coming Sunday, September 27. Moviegoers can purchase tickets by visiting all major motion picture ticketing websites as well as
"Michael Jackson has an army of fans everywhere around the world. By rolling out this film with simultaneous premieres and special advance screenings on October 27th, we are giving audiences an incredible opportunity to join together in celebration of Michael Jackson's incredible career," said Jeff Blake, chairman, Worldwide Marketing and Distribution for Sony Pictures.
The film's world gala will be in Los Angeles at the Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE on Tuesday, October 27. That event, which begins at 6pm PDT, kicks off a series of more than 25 premieres around the globe. More than 15 cities, including New York, Rio De Janeiro, London, Berlin, Johannesburg, and Seoul will host events simultaneously, with red carpet arrivals and activities from the Los Angeles event broadcast by satellite to those cities. Other cities, including Moscow, Tokyo, Sydney, Paris, and many others will host their own, non-simultaneous premiere activities.
Three hours after the worldwide celebration of the motion picture, the first public screenings of the film will begin. For example, the first audiences in Los Angeles will see the film at 9pm; in New York, audiences will have the opportunity to see the film at midnight; and in London, the advance screenings will be at 4am UK time.
Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT will offer Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from March through June, 2009, the film is produced with the full support of the Estate of Michael Jackson and drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at Jackson as he has never been seen before. In raw and candid detail, Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius, and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his final show. Kenny Ortega, who was both Michael Jackson's creative partner and the director of the stage show, is also directing the film, which is being produced by Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega and Paul Gongaware. Executive producers are John Branca and John McClain. The film will be distributed worldwide by Sony Pictures Releasing. For more information about the film please visit
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Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 23:02 — mjdenverfan
I can't wait! At the same time I am very confused about where it will be showing. The local theaters seem to know it is coming, but know nothing about the ticket sales. I have no idea if there will be midnight shows. I am in West Palm Beach Florida. If anyone has any more information please let me know. I'd really like to see the first showing.
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 22:53 — maria is MJluvers
Can't wait it in my country. Cause it's very incredible, fantastic!
Love u michael. . !GBU!
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 22:24 — amore3941
OMG!! I'm suffering!! To purchase the ticket's I'm begging my sister to make the call for me; I am unable to do it myself because Sep. 27 is a high holy day for me and I will be all day and most of the evening in the shul praying. My sister is the best in the world; but she's not a Michael Jackson fan. She's going to do it for me; but she doesn't understand how the situation of purchasing is going to go; and without my guidance, which she won't have, I don't know how it's going to work out. I'm giving her my bank and credit card account just to be on the safe side. OMG!! I'm a nervous reck!! The Legions, help me please!!!
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 22:20 — eklectyk
Best MJ tribute music video on the web:
We recently released a hip hop music video tribute for Michael's birthday entitled, Shining. This is probably one of the most thoroughly produced MJ tribute videos out there... amazing costumes, great lyrics, and tons of memorable and rare MJ video clips. Check it out if you love Michael, music, or videos.
You will not be disappointed.
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 21:02 — Brenda Michalek
MJ forever the king of pop. we never forget the best pop music and dance. i saw the trailer and it's amazing!! i don't wait for see the movie!!! ♥MJ♥
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 20:44 — Angelique Blanchard
I'm so excited and happy about this but at the same time I'm extremely sad cause it won't be showing in my country (Dominican Republic). To all of you who'll have to chance to this great experience, please enjoy it double for me! I just hope it'll come out on DVD
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 19:15 — eklectyk
Best MJ tribute music video on YouTube:
We recently released a hip hop music video tribute for Michael's birthday entitled, Shining. This is probably one of the most thoroughly produced MJ tribute videos out there... amazing costumes, great lyrics, and tons of memorable and rare MJ video clips. Check it out if you love Michael, music, or videos.
You will not be disappointed.
Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 17:00 — Andyg
This is great and I am sure it will be amazing show but I don't think I will see it as I can't see that is will be shown in Cyprus???? It will definately be on DVD in the future right?
I hope, I would be gutted to miss this, the trailor looks awesome! I have watched it like 100 times already. Makes me a little sad though to think that he never got the chance to share this with the world live. I miss him, still can't get my head round it.
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 16:16 — SparklingH2O
This is great! I miss Michael so much. I can't wait until this movie comes out as a DVD.
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 16:15 — Pebbles55
I can't wait to see "THIS IS IT". Been waiting since they announced they were going to make the movie. I hope the tickets are affordable. Will I be able to see it in my neighborhood? I love Michael so much. It is going to be very, very emotional. Like I said I still can't believe he is gone. Michael I wish with all my heart you were still hear. God Bless yoy Michael. All fo you that are giving us the chance to see him perform for the last time. Kenny Ortega you are a genius. God bless you too. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 16:02 — alice199219962009
I love you, Michael! Now and forever!
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 16:01 — Pebbles55
I can't wait to see "THIS IS IT". Been waiting since they announced they were going to make the movie. I hope the tickets are affordable. Will I be able to see it in my neighborhood? I love Michael so much. It is going to be very, very emotional. Like I said I still can't believe he is gone. Michael I wish with all my heart you were still hear. God Bless you Michael. All of you that are giving us the chance to see him perform for the last time. Kenny Ortega you are a genius. God bless you too. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 15:18 — LJMISSMJ
THIS IS IT is going to be a bittersweet moment for me. Hopefully this will put closure to an open wound that's been festering in my heart since first hearing that Michael Jackson passed away. I stood motionless in the street, I couldn't comprehend, I couldn't even think straight, I didn't want to go home because the thought of being alone was so very sad. I stood stock still for what seemed hours but only were a few seconds as the news of Michael's passing blared from every radio. People seemed to be moving in slow motion, the experience was surreal at best. I felt like a shadow had passed over my head - as if the world itself had stopped. I was skeptical at first as to whether I was going to see this movie - I wasn't sure if I could take the sight of seeing him alive one last time, BUT a wonderful MJ fan reached out to me and gave me encouragement to see THIS IS IT! To see Michael in his element, creating, directing, speaking and dancing will send my spirit soaring. Michael's passing has been a very emotional journey not just for me but thousands of his faithful fans across the globe. Michael Jackson is a part of our history now, through his music (not to mention his humanitarianism) Michael was able to bring people from all races, religions, languages, genders to sheer joy just by the sound of his voice , a moonwalk, a grab to the crotch and of course that beautiful face and smile-- I love this dude. Michael had the whole world dancing!!! He is truly an Icon, a genius, a legend, and a pure hearted soul. I wish in another place and time, I could have met the man, just once, to be able to have a talk with him and perhaps a little hug -- this is what my daydreams are now made of. He's looking down on us and smiling that beautiful smile and sending the love back to us on earth. Wherever you are Michael - Thank You Thank You THANK YOU..... I will be standing, crying, shouting as I watch your final performance - THIS IS IT, Michael....Love you forever and a day dear Michael, rest, rest, rest,,your are at peace.. I'm so proud of myself -- I must be getting better, I wrote this with no tears!!! phew
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 14:43 — musicismyhothotsex
I'm grabbing and thrusting my crotch in uncontrollable excitement. MJ Forever!
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 14:42 — musicismyhothotsex
I'm grabbing and thrusting my crotch in uncontrollable excitement. MJ Forever!
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres Tue, 09/22/2009 - 14:13 — eklectyk
Best MJ tribute music video on YouTube:
We recently released a hip hop music video tribute for Michael's birthday entitled, Shining. This is probably one of the most thoroughly produced MJ tribute videos out there... amazing costumes, great lyrics, and tons of memorable and rare MJ video clips. Check it out if you love Michael, music, or videos.
You will not be disappointed.
Re: Michael Jackson's This Is It Will Launch With More Than 25 Global Premieres
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