September 12th
Angela ( Germany )
For NM
I have voted Michael as my king.
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September 12th
MICHAEL JACKSON YOU WERE MY WORLD WE MISS YOU SO MUCH AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEARTS!you changed the world for us!we love you so much we will always cherish your moves and your music! r.i.p Michael Jackson! WHY DID YOU HAVE TTO DIE WHY COULDNT IT BE LIKE THE JONAS BROTHERS OR SOMTHIN!we love you forever!
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September 12th
te extrañamos
si bien no estaba pendiente de tus actos, sabia que estabas ahi y en cualquier momento generarías algo bueno, pero saber que te perdimos no tiene logica. nunca te olvidare
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September 12th
keila jackson
i love michael my angel, forever children.you my happy...smile."sorria mesmo se o seu coração estiver chorando"
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September 12th
vote mj 4 da king of music.he is already leading by 1236 votes .dont let him down .please please vote him
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September 12th
keila jackson
my children
forever michael jackson, vc conquistou a todos com o seu jeito sedutor de dançar, envolte canto, q enlouqceu milhares de pessoas.vc foi e sera um verdadeiro artista, brilhante.te amo eternamente, michael vc morreu e levou uma metade de mim com vc, e agora sofro cada dia pele sua perda.sinto q morrir com vc, toh quase pra enlouqcer ,por causa da sua perda sonho com vc todas as noites.vc estara eternamente no meu coração.quero ser como vc uma...children forever...y love you peter pan forever.kiss...
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September 12th
thanx sabine
thanx sabine 4 giving him vote.i m just 13 but so inspired by him dat i cant tell.in my school i will tell evry 1 to vote him.and v will all make it clear dat he is the only 1 todeserve it..thanx sabine..so i will keep voting and u also.ok thanx 4 voting..
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September 12th
I love Michael
very special to me
Michael I hope you knew how much we loved you. For years the fans were not getting heard because there were so many trying to bring you down. I know that I have been right by your side through it all. I would never leave you Michael. You have been a part of my family for twenty five of my thirty years and you will be for the rest of my life. I never met you but I love you. I love everything about you. My dream was to go to one of your concerts but that never happened. Now my dream is for you to finally have the rest you needed after putting up with all the crap that was thrown at you. I am so sorry people did that to you. I knew they were lies and greed was the motive. Its okay now, nobody can hurt you ever again. Its our turn to hurt over the loss of you. Michael you were special to me for some very personal reasons and I will never forget the way you helped me. I would have given all I had to meet you just once. To give you a big hug and say thank you. I miss you and I cannot stop these tears from falling. You were my heart and now it is shattered. Love you most...
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September 12th
keila jackson
te amo loucamente
você me ensinou muito eu sou oq sou agora graças a você michael.sou capaz de me matar por você, te amoo você deixará saudades eternas.my children forever peter pan...y love you.
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September 12th
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September 12th
The movie
i am really looking forward to the movie, just waiting to stand in line, to get a ticket, i wonder if they will ever play it in Hungary, i am not informed yet.this will be another happy day .i think as long as we see him on screen and in the media, not the bad stories, but maybe some concert or something else from his brothers , he will be alive among us.Because there will be a time when even his brothers will leave us, and then there will be nobody to show it.Dont forget about this!!This is our time to do something, because if the family leaves us, then what?I just had this in mind.
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September 12th
Sabine (Austria)
It´s clear who is the real king. I have voted Michael as my king. I will give more votes from other computers. Thank you for telling. I will talk to other people about the voting.
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September 12th
.........vote mj 4 king of music..............
http://www.whosdatedwho.com/compare/comparison_view.asp?ID=1751.hi evry mj fans.i want u all 2 vote mj 4 the best king.please he needs our help and v have 2 prove dat he is da only king of music ever born please please vote specially sabine (austria).give as many votes as u can please.vote herehttp://www.whosdatedwho.com/compare/comparison_view.asp?ID=1751
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September 12th
Sabine (Austria)
Michael, I miss you so much
Good night my dear. It´s now 1:27AM and I am very tired. I must go sleep. I hope you will visit me in my dreams. I send you a million kisses and hug you.I love you forever!
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September 12th
Timea t
I am sorry, i must be crazy, really, but it does not matter, i have been thinking of , if i am not interrupting the younger people on this site, since they are the ones , heading for life, and so on. this previous message from Shea, i cannot stop saying just one thing: it was so cute, "i", i started laughing, still smiling, this "i" , very shy "i", funny, ok shea , we got the message,with love, Tímea
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September 12th
Sabine (Austria)
To Michelle - answer to the memory 6:21
Michelle to me it´s normal, because Michael was magical.I can tell you a short story. My 8 years old niece knews Michael Jackson not until he died. Not even the name. Then she saw with her mother in July the film "The Jacksons - the American dream". And furthermore she was hearing several songs and videos and from this time she was really crazy. She wants every day the whole day hear his music and look his videos. She can´t thinking about other things. Before Michael she was a Miley Cyrus fan, but now it only exists Michael Jackson. And also my sister, I ´didn´t know that she liked Michael in the past. I could imagine that she liked his music and his dancing but mow since his death she always thinking about him and hearing his music all the time.And myself it´s crazy too. Since he died, I couldn´t do others as to occupy myself with Michael the whole time. When he died I had the feeling he have taken away my young days. And now I have the feeling I am alone and I am hurt so much bcauce of his death. The first two weeks after his death I was crying very much the whole day. It was impossible to do anything, and that although I have never met him.But I feel the love for him and therefore I think it hurts so much and I don´t want believe that has gone. It is really hard to deal with that. That´s the reason why I come every day on this site. It helps to see how much love for Michael is there and that I am not alone with my feelings. I wish you the best and hope you can imagine what I mean.
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September 12th
i love u and ur music no matter wat any one ever sayz
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September 12th
to Michelle and maybe Arina ? if she is curious to know ?
Helo Michelle, I am 39 , but i think I am ok, well, i have a daughter of 14, but it does not matter now, i have already told someone , maybe your age, i dont know how old you are, when i was about 11 , i felt the same, and if you take time and read the other messages, you will see that a lot of other young girls feel the same, it is just like that, THATS THE WAY LOVE GOES, and you are not crazy, i think, i also felt that time Michael was the one and first for me, it is interesting, something you cannot explain , a mystery, a miracle, the only thing i am smiling for is that almost everybody on this site seems to think they are the one and only for Michael. Well.....So dream on, there is nothing wrong about it, Michael was wonderful, loving and a playful person.PLAYFUL... and that explains a lot. Very, very playful, full of ideas.A lover of life..As Brooke Shields said.I think he tried to live every moment with gratefulness and that is if you experience it you really feel alive and at the same time lost a little bit, but keep the faith and dont loose the magic of the moment, I think that is the secret.Maybe i will continue...
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September 12th
to Arina
Hi Arina, I am so so happy that somebody has made a reaction, I have also been trying , and i have saved my previous messages, so to tell others to continue with some constructive ideas all over, i dont think they are able to realize what this happening is about , all this mourning, i mean i am of course , BUT, i can see at the same time that a lot of nice thoughts are coming into my mind, so why shut them out? I read almost every message when i have time to do so and i save the nice ones, there are some really nice ones, so and i think Michael Jackson can make us really crazy, in a good sense, even after his death.THIS IS A NEVER ENDING STORY..as i have already mentioned in one of my messages...and thanks to you , bye
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September 12th
can anyone...
excuse me can any of you answer question from the memory i put on at 6:21 earlier today?
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September 12th
TIMEA,you are one crazy girl!I enjoy seeing some positive,crazy messages in here!There is a time to cry but then...there is the time to get on with your life and become the best you can be and enjoy life in the process...I wrote some messages in here from time to time,trying to make people think about something else except the fact that MJ is gone, like his legacy,like what would he want us do and you answered back at me that not so many in people in here are ready for this step...well...it's been a while...can we smile now?can we start making our dreams come true?can we be nicer to each other now? can we make him proud?TIMEA,you rock,keep on the positive thinking!
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September 12th
ever scince michael died I have been teased more than ever, my life is falling apart, my stress level is more than 2 times what it was but I just got all that out so i'm already feeling better. i'm just angry that my best friend is taesing me about how much i like michael and his music.
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September 12th
aracelly diazperez
te quiero demaciado alos jackson
continuen adelante
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September 12th
To Janet
I would like to hear Janet Jackson and his brothers singing Off the wall, and the Butterfly song and the love songs with Michael on screen!!!!!!!!!!
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September 12th
I got your email...just can't respond.Yvette- I don't want to post my phone number here. I'm afraid people would call me. Know what I mean?I wish you still had your cell! :(
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September 12th
to MJ
I am with you and i always will.My sadness never end...Be with me all the time....please sleep with me, i want you close to me.My angel...forever your s:*
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September 12th
Timea ( Hungary)
Off the wall
You can boogie, cause livin crazy thats the only way....more »
To you Michael , your best song, one of them, just to rock the night away...
When the world is on your shoulderGotta straighten up your act and boogie downIf you cant hang with the feelingThen there aint no room for you this part of towncause were the party people night and dayLIVING CRAZY THATS THE ONLY WAY
So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelfAnd just enjoy yourselfGroove, let the madness in the music get to youLIFE AINT SO BAD AT ALLIf you live it off the wall
You can shout out all you want tocause there aint no sin in folks all getting loudIf you take the chance and do itThen there aint no one whos gonna put you downcause were the party people night and dayLIVIN CRAZY THATS THE ONLY WAY
So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelfAnd just enjoy yourselfCmon and groove, and let the madness in the music get to youLife aint so bad at allIf you live it off the wallLife aint so bad at all (live life off the wall)Live your life off the wall (live it off the wall)
Do what you want to doThere aint no rules its up to you Its time to come aliveAnd party on right through the night (all right)
Gotta hide your inhibitionsGotta let that fool loose deep inside your soulWant to see an exhibitionBetter do it NOW before you get to oldcause were the party people night and dayLIVIN CRAZY THATS THE ONLY WAY
Live your life off the wall (live it off the wall)
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September 12th
to Sam:)
my last message was to Sam:)
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September 12th
that is cool! I knew that already, but it's awsome to read it over, and over again.
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September 12th
You never know what you have untill it's gone...
The first time I listened to Michael Jackson was one of the best days of my life.
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September 12th
hello? is anyone even on?
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September 12th
Sam :)
I remember at the 1984 grammys, when Michael first recieved 7 grammy awards, he took off his sunglasses. He was soooo cute. Then he got his 8th grammy. AMAZING.
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September 12th
michael is the best
When I heard the news of his death, I cried so much my pillow was wet the next morning when I woke up. I barelly knew who the guy was but I felt like I had been related to him in some way even though I knew it was imposable. I felt a peircing in my heart for almost a week, maybe more. Then i had it again on his birthday. Can anyone tell me, is that normal in any way?! I've asked way too many people that question to not have an answer.
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September 12th
I remember the time...
I remember the time when You where in Poland.I was 19 and I had big dreams.One of those dreams came true - now I know that was a time-sharing.The most important thing we can offer the other person.thanks
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September 12th
Im 16 and my head is in the ground. I can't live without you. For some reason i can't say your death has stunned me, i know that wallowing in greif cant take the pain away but right now all that i can think and cry about is you ='( I feel so drained, exhausted and empty. I wish i could just die now. The beauty of dying young makes me feel so close that maybe i could see you. I wish that you were still here with me. I had a dream about you. But i woke up from the most beautiful dream. But as the days pass by it becomes more clearer that i will never reach you in time. Seeing such a pure soul felt so amazing. I didn't want to wake up. I just want to tell how much i need you, want you, love you. This has taken over my life, im lost in your embrace michael. Everything about you brings me closer to heaven. Your everlasting smile so gorgeous, your voice so heavenly words can't describe, your music... Its like my own personal drug. Its like a lullaby when i go to sleep. It puts a smile on my face. I listen to it day and night. I woke up this morning from my dream. I listened to P.Y.T whislt eating toast looking out onto the morning mist through the window. I was all alone and i felt so happy. =D But still =(( Strange enough how i never took notice of you when you were alive. But now you are my life. You take my breath away. I can't imagine the pain you went through when you were alive. To me those evil people could all drop dead tomorrow and i couldn't care less. Why does this hurt so much Michael? I just want to wrap my arms around and never let go. I have such powerful feelings for you. I want it to stay that way forever. People think that im some lovesick puupy. But this is different. Your the only person i need right now. I can proudly say i will never feel this way about anybody else ever. Your a true gift Michael. Something no one can ever take away from you. It has become my secret obbession but i dont want this feeling to go away any time soon. Your were a great father. Your children are so lucky. The one thing you were most proud of. Please Michael dont go, from deep within my heart all i can say is that i love you so much, I am DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH YOU i just want to be with you. Its so hard!!! I know i cant keep dronning on and on but thats the only way i can feel better. But now you need to rest. Sweet dreams my darling. Rest in peace Michael. I Love you forever more. My heart will ache ntil the day i die. I will wait for heavens call day and night. Bye Bye xxxxx
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September 12th
reading Eleonora today ...
Dears, I need to share this :I went on the site http://michaeljacksonestavivo.wordpress.com/page/2/ to in fact convince myself these people were bad-sad dreamers and to be sure once for all that there is no room to take hopes for reality. As a background I'm a scientist far from Esotericism. I spent almost three hours during last night watching all the videos, carefully listening and reading all the explanations and suggestions. The authors underline what does not sound right and looks fake. They go too far for me on some points but for some others...Now, in place of being finally persuaded of the irredeemable, I feel strange, confused and start to wonder... I don't know who's wrong or right, but there is truly enough matter to muse on. Craving and incertitude, what a bitter coktail now ! can't stop thinking of you Michael, I miss you.
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September 12th
Kasia Poland
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September 12th
EVERYONE NEEDS TO SMILE, MICHAEL would want that very much.He'd be very proud of all. No more weeping just SMILE.
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September 12th
Hey Yvette-more »
Sorry to post a personal message here, but my email won't let me send...I can only receive. It may be a few days till I get it up-and-running. I'll need someone to help me. So if you don't hear from me, you will know why. I'll be in touch soon. Miss you already...
And Michael, I love you with all my heart.
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September 12th
i love you michael 4ever
im 13 and michael means the world to me...hes my idol..there will never be another michael jackson...i love you
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September 12th
Gone too soon
Born to Amuse, to Inspire, to Delight.Here one DayGone one Night.GONE TOO SOON
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September 12th
Miss U!
God...I want Michael Back!!!
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September 12th
shane foote
Truely the Greatest
Michael you are truely the greatest. Not only the greatest singer,dancer and performer the world has ever seen. But also one of the greatest people to ever walk the face of the earth. As Latoya spoke on 20/20..you are not god but certainley "God Like"Millions worship you and I am one of them.I will miss you forever.Love you MJYou will live through me and millions of others!
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September 12th
Michael byles i jestes number 1 !!!!
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September 12th
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September 12th
michael i miss you so much i remember watchin all ur concerts on youtube your the best thing that ever happened to music and the world.. i miss you i wish i would have been able to meet you man this just doesnt feel like your really gone im so indenial i will never forget you i miss you and wish you were back but now you can be left alone in peace.. i love you michael):RIP I MISS YOU
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September 12th
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