September 15th
kristina julia viscontti m. (pl)
I lost my friend
I miss You Michael....
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September 15th
Oksana G. from Russia, Siberia
Michael so kind and light men, he was angel on this planetIn Russia Love him and his music - too!!!Мы очень любим тебя, Майкл, где бы ты ни был сейчас! ты принес добро в этот мир. И твой призыв нашел отклик в наших сердцах!
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September 15th
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September 15th
Sabine (Austria)
To nm
That´s fine, that you are interested to join us.First of all we have to exchange our ideas.Can you send me your email-adressmore »
My email: sosad@live.at
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September 15th
Michael I love You so muchYouare olways in my heart...
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September 15th
Anna Russia
My Love Michael
Darling Michael! I know that you are live! And it so is fine, you we love, we trust you, we wait for you! And anything is not present the best in a life when you so trust! Come back more likely, you our wind, you our rain and snow, you our love, our belief, our hope. This world empty without you! Michael, live, breathe, love, smile, at you all will be good. We with you! I love you and always you I remember.
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September 15th
We love you always
Michael,Du wirst immer in unseren Herzen bleiben!Wir wissen da wo Du jetzt bist das es Dir da besser geht!Deine Musik ist und bleibt die beste Musik die meine Ohren je zu hören bekamen!Ich bin überaus traurig das Du von uns gegangen bist aber man kann die Dinge im Leben leider nicht ändern!Wir werden Dich vermissen!more »
In Love, Celine!
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September 15th
i love michael jackson
i think that michael jackson was the best singer of all the wold.
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September 15th
Simone Gonzalez Marinho
Simples, maravilhoso... que orgulho!
Sou do Brasil, Cidade de Curitiba, Estado do ParanáNasci em 1964 e em 1970 já curtia demais os Jakson's 5. Sempre gostei muiiiito do Michael, e curti durante toda a vida, mas infelizmente por motivos religiosos perdi quase 30 anos de sua obra (toda sua carreira solo), o que não me impedia de ao ouvi-lo na rádio ou na TV parar tudo o que estava fazendo e literalmente "babar"! Que tristeza estou curtindo, porque poderia ter acompanhado seus passos e ter visto tudo que agora procuro no youtube. Perdão Michael... por que me sinto como tendo feito o mesmo que os tablóides. Ouvir os pastores dizerem que rera do diabo e mesmo assim amando sua pessoa e por consequencia sua obra! Como voce em seu primeiro natal, eu também me culpava por te ver escondido e muitas vezes em silêncio vibrar por isso! Perfeição, amigo, pai, professor (meu), o show da vida... tarde demais, mas quero dizer: te amo muito!
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September 15th
cida machado BRASIL
Amor Eterno
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September 15th
Sabine (Austria)
To the person who have copied my text and posted it under an other name on the site where we can vote for Michael
I don´t want name here the person, but that person knows what I mean. That´s one of my post that I have posted here yesterday. But this message was there only for a very short time. May be it has been flagged. It´s not nice to steel a message and to post it as the own. But I don´t want to be angry of this, I am just a little bit sad. On the other side, it is a nice compliment if someone find my words so nice that it will be copied and posted as the own words. Hopefully the words help to do the right in Michaels name and help some people to feel better with their pain.
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September 15th
Gone Too Soon ='(
Michael,I Love You For Always!
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September 15th
yvette hinkson
lost without you
i am trying to go on without you, but its hard, when you hurt this much. i am trying only because of the happy moments that i had thinking of you all these years, but although i was happy to know of you, i am sad to lose you. you meant the world to me and now its like my world is gone. i get embarrassed alot later when i think about how i bare all here and the world sees, but i love you and if god can relate my messages, if there is a chance i have to. i am lost without you, i want to find my way back, but i dont have the energy to. i was completely in love with you and i am devastated by your death. i want to hold on to you forever. its so hard because i get no time by myself to cry. everyone thinks i am insane for loving someone i never met. i admit it is strange, but i love you all the same. i have loved you since i can remember and i cant make it go away, nor do i want to. i am so hurt in such pain since you left. i just want you back and i do so much that i never move from the same position that i have been in since you left in june. this has killed my spirit, i'm dead inside. an emptiness that is worse than death i believe. i love you michael. i want you to know that. if i knew you knew maybe that would make me feel ok. i want to reach you so bad. i miss you so much, so much that i cant mantain the person that i was a few months back. i feel like i am just existing.
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September 15th
I Love You Michael!
Dear Michael,In Our Darkest Hour...In My Deepest Despair...Will You Still Care?Will You Be There?In My Trials...And My Tribulations...Through Our Doubts...And Frustrations...In My Violence...In My Turbulence...Through My Fear...And My Confessions...In My Anguish..And My Pain...Through My Joy...And My Sorrow...In The Promise Of...Another Tomorrow...I'll Never Let You Part...For You're Always In My Heart Michael...more »
Michael,I Really Want you Back..The World Has Lost One Of The Greatest...The World Has Lost One Of The PopStars...That Make WonderFul Music For us...Now We Can Only Hear You're Other Music...No New Ones...If There Is A New One...I Will Listen to It..But Now,I Can't You're Away From Us... You're In Heaven... You're Shining at us...You're Protecting us...You'll Make Us Shine Everyday..Just Like a Sunshine...Michael,You Will Always Make Our Dreams Come True...You Will Always Keep us From Harm..You'll Make us Try To Do Things...You'll Make Our Lives Much Easier...
Michael,You're My Life...You're Everything to me...I Love You From The Bottem Of My Heart...I Miss You Too...
From: Your Number one Fan! Emily!
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September 15th
love you much more
dearest mike...i don't know what can i say,,it's too hurt to know you're gone..too hurt too read on the articles "the late" michael jacksonmore »
anyway,, you deserve better, mylove..maybe you'd hurt enough in this life,,and "be right there" is the best way..
so just let it go..rest in peace, my dear..
we'll never let you partfor you're always in our hearts
we love youyou love us morewe love you much
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September 15th
Sabine (Austria)
To one person who have copied my text and posted it under an other name on the site where we can vote for Michael
I don´t want here name the person, but that person knows what I mean. That´s one of my post that I have posted here yesterday. But this message was there only for a very short time. May be it has been flagged. It´s not nice to steel a message and to post it as the own. But I don´t want to be angry of this, I am just a little bit sad. On the other side, it is a nice compliment if someone find my words so nice that it will be copied and posted as the own words. Hopefully the world help to do the right in Michaels name and help some people to feel better with their pain.
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September 15th
Sabine (Austria)
To one person who have copied my text and posted it under an other name on the site where we can vote for Michael
I don´t want here name the person, but that person knows what I mean. That´s one of my post that I have posted here yesterday. But this message was there only for a very short time. May be it has been flagged. It´s not nice to steel a message and to post it as the own. But I don´t want to be angry of this, I am just a little bit sad. On the other side, it is a nice compliment if someone find my words so nice that it will be copied and posted as the own words. Hopefully the world help to do the right in Michaels name and help some people to feel better with their pain.
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September 15th
You are best
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September 15th
MJ lives 4ever
Michael you are still and remain in our heart. Love you forever Michael.
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September 15th
Dear Michael,i hope you are now in a better place.My heart and my soul feel so bad :(Michael I love you the last 30 years of my life.I will love you till the end of my time.We will see us in heavenI promise you!!The guilty persons of your death will life in hell for everI love you michael ..so much..
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September 15th
fawn hogg
michael jackson is the best singer there ever was
gone too soon michael will never be forgotten
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September 15th
we love you more & more & more michael
The pure, the bright, the beautifulThat stirred our hearts in youth,The impulses to wordless prayer,The streams of love and truth,The longing after something lost,The spirit's yearning cry,The striving after better hopes --These things can never die.
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September 15th
Princess Flower
pleaseee My God
I beg to you my God.please,..in wherever him(michael) located.please protect him and give him health and happiness.so that one day he can return to his mother and his children deep condition healthy, fresh and full of happiness.and I promise to you god, If you always protect him and his childrens also his families.I PROMISE I will always be fasting to you every Monday and Thursday. I will do this for the rest of my life for health, safety and happiness michael and his childrens .I promise to you my god....ameenmore »
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September 15th
Princess Flower
I promise to you MY GOD
I beg to you my God.please,..in wherever him(michael) located.please protect him and give him health and happiness.so that one day he can return to his mother and his children deep condition healthy, fresh and full of happiness.and I promise to you god, If you always protect him and his childrens also his families.I PROMISE I will always be fasting to you every Monday and Thursday. I will do this for the rest of my life for health, safety and happiness michael and his childrens .I promise to you my god....ameenmore »
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September 15th
Princess Flower
I promise to you MY GOD
I beg to you my God.please,..in wherever him(michael) located.please protect him and give him health and happiness.so that one day he can return to his mother and his children deep condition healthy, fresh and full of happiness.and I promise to you god, If you always protect him and his childrens also his families.I PROMISE I will always be fasting to you every Monday and Thursday. I will do this for the rest of my life for health, safety and happiness michael and his childrens .I promise to you my god....ameenmore »
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September 15th
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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September 15th
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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September 15th
Mike - A TRUE SEXY HOTTIE IN Dirty Diana, In The Closet, You are Not Alone
Michael,OMG, OMG, OMG!! I watched Dirty Diana and In the Closet Videos SEVERAL TIMES OVER AND OVER and OVER and I think you just got SEXIER, and SEXIER and SEXIER!!! I just noticed that you took your shirt off in Dirty Diana for a few seconds and I almost fell out of my chair with a dizzy spell!! The way you danced, sing and moved those hips in those sexy black pants - TOTALLY ROCKED!! Also, You and Naiomi in the "In the Closet" Video BEYOND SMOKING HOT!! I loved the Sexy Ponytail Michael and those tight jeans in that dessert sun - SMOKING!!These are two of my all time favorite MJ SEXIEST Videos - You and Lisa Marie in "You Are Not Alone" was pretty HOT and RACEY too!! I just had to tell you that today. YOU WERE AMAZING IN EVERYWAY!! - LOVE YOU MIKE ALWAYS- Talk to you soon (SMOOCHEESS - HUGS AND KISSES MJ)!Love, IreneA Devoted MJ FAN FOREVER!!
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September 15th
von münchen
Michael...Zeit ist begrenzt und ich schreib dir die zeilen,um bei dir zu bleiben, wenn unsere wege sich teilendu warst ein leben lang ein geschenk für michvielen dank.. ich denk an dich...Ich liebe dich ich vergess dich nicht deine Bella♥more »
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September 15th
to Sabine (Austria)
yes its right sabine.here i can also ffeel da love of all his fans 4 him.and it makes me cry evry day taht he is really no more in this world but his soul and music will live 4 always n ever in our hearts until our last breathes.and i want 2 know about ur idea of a new organization.tell me if u can.more »
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September 15th
BaoWu Sun
MJ I love you
MJ I love you
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September 15th
christina germany
We love you Michael. Yesterday, today and forever.We ♥ You..so much
Like A CometBlazing 'Cross The Evening SkyGone Too Soon♥♥Like A RainbowFading In The Twinkling Of An EyeGone Too Soon♥♥Shiny And SparklyAnd Splendidly BrightHere One DayGone One Night♥♥Like The Loss Of SunlightOn A Cloudy AfternoonGone Too Soon♥♥Like A CastleBuilt Upon A Sandy BeachGone Too Soon♥♥Like A Perfect FlowerThat Is Just Beyond Your ReachGone Too Soon♥♥Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To DelightHere One DayGone One Night♥♥Like A SunsetDying With The Rising Of The MoonGone Too Soon♥♥Gone Too Soon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Unsere Herzen werden Dich niemalsauch nur eine Sekunde verlassen,und wir sind und wir werden bis in die andere Welt hineindie jenigen sein,die Dich ohne Grenzen lieben!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥I love Michaels beautiful big brown eyes & his cute smileMichael your Fans in Germany love you 4 ever!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥more »
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September 15th
Sabine (Austria)
To Melanie, Ani, Briney, Yvette and to the others they love Michael and to a special person in Poland
Although I don´t have time at the moment, I have to post this now. I have to do it.There are so many fans here on this site to whose I want to say THANK YOU. Your posts are so nice, sweet,warm and filled with love. And that´s are so wonderful. I am so proud of all of you because I know how much it hurts. May be one is more hurted as an other, every feels in an own way, but Michael loves all of us. He really did and do. And that´s the reason why we love him.Thank you for your being here, because it helps me so much to deal with the tragedy what has happened. I also wish so much that the truth about his death come out. But that´s not enough, it´s also very important that his name will be cleaned, because Michael Jackson is is innocent.Thank you once more for being here and sharing your wonderful memories and thoughts to all of us.
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September 15th
Like A CometBlazing 'Cross The Evening SkyGone Too SoonLike A RainbowFading In The Twinkling Of An EyeGone Too SoonShiny And SparklyAnd Splendidly BrightHere One DayGone One NightLike The Loss Of SunlightOn A Cloudy AfternoonGone Too SoonBorn to Amuse, To Inspire, To DelightHere One Day Gone One NightLike A SunsetDying With The Rising Of The MoonGone Too Soon♥ ♥ ♥Gone Too Soon, Michael, but you are at a better place now.Please say "Hello" to my son ERIC.He is like you, GONE TOO SOO.You two are always in my heart and in my mind.RIPWith all my loveLidwina
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September 15th
* Engel *
Hallo mein * Engel * ich hoffe es geht dir gut. Aber eigentlich bin ich mir sicher :). Ein weiterer Engel ist eingetroffen, Patrick. Nehme dich Seiner an, bitte, er wird noch sehr verloren sein! Hier auf Erden vermissen wir dich schrecklich und es wird und wird nicht besser!! In meinem Herzen hast du einen festen Platz und nur das Wissen dass es dir gut geht läßt mich jeden Tag neu beginnen! RIP mein * Engel *more »
In Liebe* Bibbi *
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September 15th
God must have needed him more then us!!
I remember when I was younger how excited I was to get a flag with Michael on it! I hung it up on my wall with excitement and I was proud!more »
This man has given children and human life a chance. He cared and loved. It did not matter if you where white, black, purple he loved everyone. He was a mna with a heart and he will always be special to me.
God must have needed him mre then we did! He is in peace and wherehe is he will never be judge like he was on earth!
Miss you Michael Jackson!Your fan xoxoxoxKarina Lim
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September 15th
Sabine (Austria)
To Melanie, Ani and Briney
Melanie you are right with the foundation. I have seen it.New is better, it´s also my opinion now.Ani thanks your nice words, I have the same feeling. Sorry, I didn´t get your message last week. I don´t know why. Yesterday, I posted some messages and 3 of them were not find on the site.At the moment it is yery stressful at my work and therefore please give me a little time to exchange our ideas. If you guys want write in the meantime,that´s my email: sosad@live.atMichael, I have not forgotten you, here a few words. Regardless if I am at work or at home, I have to thinking about you the whole day. I feel you but I wish you could be more close to us. I love you forever!
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September 15th
to Sabine,Melanie,Yvette
Hello girls! How are you today? Sabine! I wrote for you on this site last week,but i think you did not read it.I may tell it for you all,i feel better myself,when i visit this site and i read your words.Thank you.You are very kind people.God bless you
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September 15th
To Ellen Hassle
I'm with Ellen on this. Things have been too quiet about your investigation Michael and yes you did look absolutely fabulous in the days leading up to that tragic night. We desperately need answers. The truth must come out so you can rest in peace my angel xxx
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September 15th
my first MJ memory
my first MJ memory, 1984, i was 3, listening to my mom's Thriller record and dancing with my little brother in the living room, eating cookie dough as mom baked in the kitchen. That was the happiest memory of me and my brother as kids. will never forget how he would get scared of V.Price's V/O, you thrilled me.more »
many other songs over many more years kept me dancing in that living room, flash fwd to 1994, now 13, lip-syncing to "the way you make me feel" in high heels prancing around that same living room... they way you made me feel, as a young woman, was incredible.
many years passed, I am now an adult but still a kid at heart, and in 2006 & 2007 at both my sibling's weddings, the minute "Billie Jean" came on, we were the first ones on the dance floor dancing like we did when we were little. Crazy, close siblings all dancing like it was our last dance together. The 3 of us moonwalking in full bridal gear was the best memory I have of both weddings, and was the last time you danced with us.
when you left us this year, I was shocked and deeply sad. I wondered after all the slander and all the mean people who hurt you and your reputation over the years, would the young kids of today ever get a chance like I did to grow up with your music as the magical soundtrack in their lives, and not you as the center of cruel jokes... and yet even in death, your magic continued on, for just days after you passed, I drove by a group of kids outside the skate park, they weren't skating... they had a stereo and they were DANCING!! trying to moonwalk and dance to "beat it", and my sad heart light up with joy to see an entire new generation caught up in the hype of your death, trying to be and dance like you. For the past few months, many people have started to dance again, in the streets, on the bus, online, in the Philippine prison, in Mexico, in the clubs and your music lives on to become magic forever. As long as there is music, there will be Michael.
I miss you MJ. You were music, you were magic, you were loved. xoxo RIP
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September 15th
To Sabine (Austria and Briney)
Hello to friends and all fans of Michael. Thank you Briney for letting us know u would like to join us in continuing Michael's good. Having people who care about Michael and want to continue his work is so fantastic. The more people we can get involved the better. I think about him so much. Watching the trailer for the new movie made me miss him even more. But I know he is looking down watching us and now is our chance to make a difference and make him proud. I will email you tomorrow. It is 12am where I am. Sabine, would you like my email address too so we can email ideas. I took a look at the Heal the World Foundation website but it says that although Michael founded it, he was not running it in the last few yrs before his death.. so maybe it would be nice to start something fresh and personalise it. Talk soon xxx MIchael I miss you everyday. I will never forget you.. you are amazing and I will do my best to do my part in making the world a better place xoxox
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September 15th
sensi & co.
we love MJ*
long live the king of pop!
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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September 15th
Elke Hassell
Why has it gone quiet
Seeing the trailer of This is It, it is impossible to think that you were suppose to be such a drug addict as the media wants us to believe, you were energetic, sharp, full of live, coherent and simply out of this world, what happened that night, and why do we fans not hear anything more about the investigation, why is everything so quiet all of a sudden. I want the truth to come out and want people who are responsible for your death to face charges for what they did. I know something does not add up and especially after seeing your spirited performance on this trailer I will not accept anything else but the real truth. I miss him, I love him, I won't forget him. R.I.P. Michael
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