
October 3rd
Michael Jackson my love
michael jackson siempre estaras presente en mi corazon i love you. me encanta tu musica tus videos, tus baile. eres lo maximo y siempre lo seras aunque no estes aqui con nosotros, te extrañamos michael.
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October 3rd
Lidwina Jackson
Goodbye moonwalker in heaven
Consciousness expresses itself through creation.This world we live in is the dance of the creator.Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eyebut the dance lives on.On many occasions when I'm dancing,I've felt touched by something sacred.In those moments I've felt my spirit soarand become the stars and the moonI become the lover and the beloved.I become the master and the slave.I become the singer and the song.I become the knower and the known.I keep on dancing and then,it is the eternal dance of creation.The creator and the creation mergeinto one wholeness of joy.I keep on dancing and dancing...and dancing,until there is only...the dance.Michael Jackson"Dancing the Dream"
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October 3rd
Princess Wonderland
forgive me child..i really sorry
forgive me childs..i really sorry
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October 3rd
princess wonderland
forgive me child..i really sorry
.if it is posibble and if god allowsI would give my soul for you michael so you can life much longer in this world.I would do it for you and your childrens.because love you so much, and because I really know if your childrens very need you better than anyone.I want to see them always happy with you forever.I am will to do all that for them. I know how it feels to live without a father.that is the most painful thing,and I do not want them (your childrens) to feel what I feel.because that I'm willing to give my soul for you and you can life and can accompany your childrens much longer in this world .but unfortunately did god not allow and you had already gone :(( i am really really sorry michael. i am so sorry ...forgive me.more »
prince ,paris,blanket pleasee forgive me. because it is not able to prevent and stop the departure ofyour father .forgive me . i really sorry :"(
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October 3rd
rafael hernandez
desde venezuela
michael jackson siempre ha sido , y sera el rey del pop , soy fanatico de el no de tener mil posters de el ni mil cds de sus singles mas exitosos , solo soy un fanatico de el por su musica y su arte.! y le doi gracias a dios por haberme dado el talento de poder intentar bailar como el porq jamas igual q el..! y me siento muy decepcionado de no haber podido verlo en ninguno de sus conciertos por mi condicion humilde!!! :/ pero se q en el fondo soy un buen fanatico de el.!! y no despues de su muerte como algunas personas dicen serlo!! more »
saludos desde venezuela ( el pais donde nunca vino) se les quiere saludos
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October 3rd
joice gonçalves de souza
eu amo michael jackson
michael é orei do pop e sempre sera ele é lindo,talentoso eeu amo ele é sempre vou amar
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October 3rd
helen from Greece
I am so sad, angry and disgusted... 2/2
Our sick, disgusting and cruel world was not a place for a sensitive pure man like you. You are really a product of loveliness, a gift sent by God, a saint person with a heart of gold, a sweet, kind, sensitive, unselfish, generous guardian angel made of love who came on earth in order to touch our lives, heal the world and make our planet a better place not only through music but also through actions. You never stopped offering love, money and support to the helpless. You used to say that’s the human nature, you used to forgive your enemies and critics and you continued to believe in yourself and to fight for your dreams. Unfortunately this world wasn’t good enough for you, so God took you back too soon in Heaven where you belong, among the other angels. Angels aren’t supposed to live on earth. Thank you for trying, my sweetheart Michael. I wished innumerable times I could change the situation and bring you back. I want so much to be close to you, just for a few minutes, to hug you, tell you how much I adore, admire you and cry in your arms. I hope that someday in another life I will have this chance. It would be my honour. I don’t know whether or when this special moment will come but I wish it could be now. I know that it is God’s decision and not mine, so I have to wait. Until then, I will be always yours, my Sweetheart, Beautiful, Shining ANGEL, with all my strong and true love, my endless admiration and respect, my sincere devotion, my deep faith and blind confidence to you, until the end of my life…“In the promise of another tomorrow, I’ll never let you part, for you’re always in my heart…”
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October 3rd
helen from Greece
I am so sad, angry and disgusted... 2/2
Our sick, disgusting and cruel world was not a place for a sensitive pure man like you. You are really a product of loveliness, a gift sent by God, a saint person with a heart of gold, a sweet, kind, sensitive, unselfish, generous guardian angel made of love who came on earth in order to touch our lives, heal the world and make our planet a better place not only through music but also through actions. You never stopped offering love, money and support to the helpless. You used to say that’s the human nature, you used to forgive your enemies and critics and you continued to believe in yourself and to fight for your dreams. Unfortunately this world wasn’t good enough for you, so God took you back too soon in Heaven where you belong, among the other angels. Angels aren’t supposed to live on earth. Thank you for trying, my sweetheart Michael. I wished innumerable times I could change the situation and bring you back. I want so much to be close to you, just for a few minutes, to hug you, tell you how much I adore, admire you and cry in your arms. I hope that someday in another life I will have this chance. It would be my honour. I don’t know whether or when this special moment will come but I wish it could be now. I know that it is God’s decision and not mine, so I have to wait. Until then, I will be always yours, my Sweetheart, Beautiful, Shining ANGEL, with all my strong and true love, my endless admiration and respect, my sincere devotion, my deep faith and blind confidence to you, until the end of my life…“In the promise of another tomorrow, I’ll never let you part, for you’re always in my heart…”
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October 3rd
helen from Greece
I am so sad, angry and disgusted... 1/2
My sweetheart Michael, you are the most innocent, honest, unoffending person, the man who has been misunderstood and cruelly treated the most by others. I am so sorry for the pain, the injustice and the humiliation you had to endure. You suffered very much during your human life on earth. Now, after your death, a big part of the public opinion talks positively about you and recognizes your offer, work and value, but it’s too late. You aren’t here to taste the joy and satisfaction. On the other hand, it makes me so angry and hurts me that even in your death some hateful persons are still doing you wrong and continue to disrespect you. They are so ignorant and cruel. I'm so sad and disgusted because they want to label you as an addict, but everyone who knows you, is aware that you were against drugs, till you got burned. With the problems of your health (vitiligo and lupus), with all the injuries and accidents you had and with the chronic exhaustion of your body as dancer, it's no wonder you were just trying to have one day without pain. And on the other hand, except from the physical pain you had to deal with the psychological pain caused by your lost childhood, the loneliness, the lies, the false and unfair allegations, the pressure and the rumours of the media, the financial problems, your perfectionism etc. How were you able to stand all this pressure? It was reasonable that you couldn't sleep at night, my lovely Peter Pan. You were a lonely desperate man in pain and EVERYONE threw stones at you. They KILLED YOU, Michael and all we do now is argue because your haters don't want us the fans be united. They are telling us to “get over and move on”. But who does pay attention to them? I hope that justice will prevail sooner or later and the culpable will be punished as it deserves it. I wish I had the opportunity to take the pain and the tears away from you, I wish I could help, protect and support you in the darkest and most difficult time for you. It's unfair and unbearable that you gave us so much and I can’t now give anything in return except my love and my prayers for you.
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October 3rd
helen from Greece
I am so sad, angry and disgusted... 1/2
My sweetheart Michael, you are the most innocent, honest, unoffending person, the man who has been misunderstood and cruelly treated the most by others. I am so sorry for the pain, the injustice and the humiliation you had to endure. You suffered very much during your human life on earth. Now, after your death, a big part of the public opinion talks positively about you and recognizes your offer, work and value, but it’s too late. You aren’t here to taste the joy and satisfaction. On the other hand, it makes me so angry and hurts me that even in your death some hateful persons are still doing you wrong and continue to disrespect you. They are so ignorant and cruel. I'm so sad and disgusted because they want to label you as an addict, but everyone who knows you, is aware that you were against drugs, till you got burned. With the problems of your health (vitiligo and lupus), with all the injuries and accidents you had and with the chronic exhaustion of your body as dancer, it's no wonder you were just trying to have one day without pain. And on the other hand, except from the physical pain you had to deal with the psychological pain caused by your lost childhood, the loneliness, the lies, the false and unfair allegations, the pressure and the rumours of the media, the financial problems, your perfectionism etc. How were you able to stand all this pressure? It was reasonable that you couldn't sleep at night, my lovely Peter Pan. You were a lonely desperate man in pain and EVERYONE threw stones at you. They KILLED YOU, Michael and all we do now is argue because your haters don't want us the fans be united. They are telling us to “get over and move on”. But who does pay attention to them? I hope that justice will prevail sooner or later and the culpable will be punished as it deserves it. I wish I had the opportunity to take the pain and the tears away from you, I wish I could help, protect and support you in the darkest and most difficult time for you. It's unfair and unbearable that you gave us so much and I can’t now give anything in return except my love and my prayers for you. more »
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October 3rd
Deusa galtarossa silva
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October 3rd
michael music
i will treasure your music all day long,to remind you how much i miss and love you.u is not alone!!! we all is here with you.when i think about you.i will shed every tear for you and my heart.together we achieve more
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October 3rd
Thank you
Thank you for being who you are, thank you for having tought me so much in my life, through your music and your unselfish love to help others. The pain I feel in my heart at every moment will not find cure, but the memories of you will remind in my mind for eons of time.I love you so much, and I am so proud to have been and to be one of your many loyal fans around the world.Always in my heart, for all time....
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October 3rd
how much i miss michael jackson
i miss Michael so much.why did he had to go away?i don't think it his time yet.even when Michael do something wrong i know he didn't mean to do it.people make mistakes to.and now that he's up there he will be in my heart forever,and ever till the day i die.and when i do we will always be in our heart.good bye Michael take care till the day i come.
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October 3rd
Mishel Jackson
Good mourning sunshine I will be gone for almost all day,just came to say I miss YOUI will keep YOU in my heart all day,and its will be a perfect dayTHANK YOU GOD for such an ANGEL.....
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October 3rd
gone to soonn
michael i grow up with u knowen u and the jackson five was amazing looken at ur life story yes u had it roug praticen everyday not beenable to go have a normal life as a child yes...more »
we will miss u soo much we we will see you soon ans i smile everyday becuse of u mwah
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October 3rd
“Little Star” - To Blanket, Prince and Paris
A song, words, so tender like your Daddy's love is for you. From Claudia, dedicated to Blanket, Prince and Paris
These wonderful words, this song could be for you from your Daddy, I feel his spirit in it so deeply and strongly:more »
Never forget who you areLittle starNever forget how to dreamButterfly
God gave a present to meMy life, my soulYou make my spirit whole
Never forget who you areLittle starShining brighter than all the stars in the skyNever forget how to dreamButterflyNever forget where you come fromFrom love
You are a treasure to meYou are my starYou breathe new lifeInto my broken heart
Never forget who you areLittle starNever forget how to dreamButterfly
May the angels protect youAnd sadness forget youLittle star
There's no reason to weepLay your head down to sleepLittle star
May goodness surround youMy love I have found youLittle star
Shining bright
You breathe new lifeInto my broken heart
Never forget who you are(Whispered): Little starShining brighter than all the stars in the skyNever forget how to dreamButterflyFlying higher than all the birds in the sky
Never forget who you areLittle starNever forget where you come fromFrom love
Little starLittle star(Whispered): Little starFrom love
In Love, Claudia
“Little Star” Music and Lyrics by Madonna
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October 3rd
Claudia (claudia.bossard@sunrise.ch)
To all CHILDREN worldwide: At Christmas I bring your poems/drawings for Michael to him to Los Angeles
Children, paint for Michael wonderful drawings, full of colours, like your dreams are and write your words in poems. Michael still does love this so much....and he will be so happy to receive your private messages at Christmas in Los Angeles…more »
I see Michaels eyes shining, I see his sweet smile if he tells about children. He has said once that all his songs on his albums would never have been released without the inspiration of all children worldwide. And all children are still his true love. Therefore, I have thought up for Michaels Christmas present something special. In December I will fly to him to Los Angeles. Should the place where he will be still be guarded by security, I feel deep inside my feelings that Michael will allow the way to himself to me. Children, I will bring him white lilies and your poems, small letters and drawings, from you, all children who have the need to be close to him as possible. From children who are healthy, but also from children who are ill, who have no more parents and who are lonely. If you have the need to say Michael something special, you may hand over to me your poems, small letters or drawings by mail or also by post. I will take them all to Michael and read out to him some of them. Michael will love this so much and he will be so happy to hear from you.
Afterwards I will hide them somewhere in his surroundings, there where he has lived last or under a tree near the Neverland-Ranch. I know that I can make Michael with nothing else in this world happier, as to bring him your personal words and drawings. A wonderful love and affection of you, from all his children worldwide. He loves all children so deep and endlessly! And he needs you, also now, more than ever! When I am back from Los Angeles , I will tell you about this experience on the memories-site. If you send all your poems, small letters and drawings by post, please do not place them in an additional envelope (this would be too much weight for the flight to Los Angeles). I hope that this is also a nice present for you.
Michael has left for us something so miraculous, his music, his voice and his smile. I close my eyes and I can feel him so close to me when every night a vanilla candle burns only for him in the darkness and I can hear his breathing in his most wonderful song “speechless".
And do not forget in your grief and so many tears – Michael's favorite song was..."smile".In Love, Claudia
Here my mail and my address for the children-post. I trust all which are on Michael's website that my address is used even confidentially.
Mrs Claudia BossardSchärenmoosstrasse 10CH-8052 ZürichSwitzerland
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October 3rd
loving and miisisng you
how i wish you're here and we can see you again. we miss you,michael.
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October 3rd
Michael, you are not just an ordinary person/creation as all of us can perceive. God gave you a special personality that is pleasing to Him,too. We, humans in hearts and minds, possess these hearts that easily conceive what's lovable. These hearts saw you. We fell for you. Your sad eyes say that you needed love. They say that you were empty and and that your spirit needed affection...we fell for you. Your life was lonely although you had everything. It says you needed a Savior...we fell for you. You had everything here,yet, you were incomplete. You were rich materially, but spiritually, you were poor. And that's what's aching us. How we wish you knew God. if only it happened, then we are not like this now. Life is incomplete always. We couldn't be complete, or else, we will be proud and would not need God. He destroys proud creations.He loves us that's why He doesn't want to destroy us. He wants us to invite Him into our life because he loves us.If he made us complete, we won't be inviting Him. Your life is only a sample of a kind of life of a human being. We have our own kind of life...we have each share of a life Michael,. you are one in a trillion. God loves you very much. W0e don't want heartaches, but we love you this much.I love you as a very dear friend...only. MY mind is already contented and conditioned to that. Let me love you as a friend. This will ease up my process of adjustment.
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October 3rd
Martin Hargas
Michael tvoja laska a hudba su nekonecne!!!
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October 3rd
Lidwina Jackson
Goodbye Michael, legends never die
Consciousness expresses itself through creation.This world we live in is the dance of the creator.Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eyebut the dance lives on.On many occasions when I'm dancing,I've felt touched by something sacred.In those moments I've felt my spirit soarand become the stars and the moonI become the lover and the beloved.I become the master and the slave.I become the singer and the song.I become the knower and the known.I keep on dancing and then,it is the eternal dance of creation.The creator and the creation mergeinto one wholeness of joy.I keep on dancing and dancing...and dancing,until there is only...the dance.Michael Jackson"Dancing the Dream"
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October 3rd
Lidwina Jackson
Goodbye Michael, legends never die
Consciousness expresses itself through creation.This world we live in is the dance of the creator.Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many occasions when I'm dancing, I've felt touched by something sacred.In those moments I've felt my spirit soar and become the stars and the moonI become the lover and the beloved.I become the master and the slave.I become the singer and the song.I become the knower and the known.I keep on dancing and then,it is the eternal dance of creation.The creator and the creatin merge into one wholeness of joy.I keep on dancing and dancing...and dancing,until there is only...the dance.Michael Jackson "Dancing the Dream"
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October 3rd
My daughter played "Ain't No Sunshine in My LIfe", sang by Kris Allen.I burst into crying. They laughed. she played 'black and White" by Adam Lambert, and i ran to the comfort om and released my tears. This heart...so sensitive to his memories. I fought it and continue coking. I seldom mention Michael's name at home as a part of my adjustment. They play their own songs, but sad songs, i am reminded also. Then i would just whisper a short prayer and praises...thank God for my ears that i can still use them for hearing beautiful music.Thanking God for everything is the best secret for taking away our loneliness although the pain would be there.Had i not gone to Him in this desperate situation, i don't know how i could manage myself.Just imagine ,the longings to watch and hear him is controllable now.The obsession hat i had for Michael was incomparable like how incomparable yours are. Alone, i couldn't make it.more »
And now, all things that must be in your minds and hearts must be clean and only for the Glory of God, and He will be with you." I hope that i can be like this. "Being human is hard enough--hard to go through the right way when lost in the wrong one."--ELEN
Memories light the corners of my mind,Misty, water-colored memorie,Of the way we were.
Scattered pictures of the smilewe left behind,Smiles we gave to one another,of the way wewere.
Can it be that it was so simple then,Or has time rewritten every line?If we have a chance to do it all again,Tell me, could we...would we?
Memories maybe beautiful and yet,What's too painful to remember,We simply choose to forget.
So it's the laughter...we will remember,Whenever we remember...The way we were...
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October 3rd
ciao michael sei stato grandissimo i love you
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October 3rd
He held you like a ricer Jordan and He said to you He is your friend. He carried you like you were His bother, He loved you with a mother's love. He was there. When you were lost, He found you. You were faithful...you walked when you were not able,and you fought till the end. You were only human and alone, but you fought it all. When everyone was taking control of you, it seemed that the world got a role on you. You were so confused that you asked if He'll be there for you. he was there for you...and cared enough to bear you, because He loves you, till He got your soul so you can find rest. He laid His head boldly, softly then boldly, He carried you there. He led you, loved you and fed you, kissed you. He knew everything about you though you didn't give much attention to Him. In your darkest hour...in your deepest despair , He will care. In your trials and in your tribulations, through your doubts and frustrations... in your violence and in your turbulence ...through your fear and your confessions... in your anguish and your pain...through your joy and your sorrow...in the promise of another tomorrow, He will be with you if you call on Him. He is inviting you to come to Him. For You're always in His heart...
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October 3rd
Nothing gives me encouragement now in this period of adjustment, but hearing the words of God. they encourage me to move on and made my life easier though my thoughts and heart still are tempted by what i want to leave behind. Fellowships, Bible study, and prayer meetings complete my process--lighten my burdens,clearing my once confused mind, thus making me function efficiently, making my breathing easier and most importantly, giving direction to my once lost life, thus smoothing my road to fulfillment. I thank God for all of these. He answers our pleadings, caries00 our burdens, lifts us up, holds us,fills us up, embraces s. May we all find our peace that was lost due to Michael's lonely life and his tragic passing. may you find Him, too. God bless us all.
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October 3rd
jeff holt
way back then
i remember when the jackson 5 came 2 detroit.2 audition for berry gordy,way back then
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October 3rd
Here i am playing with those memories again,Just when i thought time had set me free,Those thoughts of you keep hunting me.more »
Holding you, a feeling i never outgrow,Though each and every pat of me has tried,Only you can fill this space inside.
I just can't live without you,I miss everything about you.So there's no use pretending,My heat is not mending.
Just when i thought i was over you,Just when i thought i could make it on my own,Oh baby, this feeling come rushing though,And i just can't go on without you...
i know i couldn't make it on my own. i have to depend on God to make it. and i know that He is guiding me now because i have already surrendered this to Him. I am visiting this sitewith a mission of enlightening others who i can see need help. Secondly, i still couldn't just leave this site abruptly. One day, when i'm already prepared, i can let go of it and you. i depend on Him alone.
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October 3rd
micheal jackson
micheal jackson is like a father to use all
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October 3rd
MJ you are the best
michael rest in peace you are not alone.You're gone from us but your music stays with us
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October 3rd
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October 3rd
good bye,michael.i loving you.
michael,i love you.i want to meet,at the home,NEVERLAND RANCH.
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October 3rd
Happy mid-autumn festival
Michael, happy mid-autumn festival to you.It's time for family get together and also for lovers.Don't worry,I will stay with you.That is the promiss I give to you. I love you,I miss you so much...
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October 3rd
Happy mid-autumn festival
Michael, happy mid-autumn festival to you.It's time for family get together and also for lovers.Don't worry,I will stay with you.That is the promiss I give to you. I love you,I miss you so much...
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October 3rd
se que en esta pag todos los usuarios estaran muy tristes despues de todo lo que ha pasado y yo tambien pero sabremos algo y es que el siempre estar en nuestros corazones por siempre y una cosa es que en cualquier lugar en donde El este estara mejor que aqui!!!!!!!:(_:)
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October 3rd
I miss you
Michael,I never forget you.Your music will live forever
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October 3rd
You were the oneYou are the oneYou will be the one
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October 3rd
love him
loving Michael now more then ever... listening 2 Invincible as I type... so much grace and magic in his work.... why did he have to go?more »
missing him very much still
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October 3rd
I love you FOREVER!!!
HEY MICHAEL!I know that you are living in another world callled NEVERLAND which is paradise...you have said that you would make all of us who love you proud to be your fans,and you did it!Now I tell my friends proudly I'm a fan of MICHAEL JACKSON!You give me strengh,you tell me love is the most beautiful thing in the world!I hope you can feel how much I love you:LOVE MEANS NEVER TO SAY GOODBYE!LOVE MEANS NEVER TO GIVE UP!LOVE MEANS FOREVER!more »
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October 3rd
kristina julia viscontti m. (pl)
Michael You will live forever in my heart...
I love You Michael...and i miss You my friendGod bless Youk.
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October 3rd
Mishel Jackson
Its 5:30 here now, and I am still not sleepingI close my eyes and the picture of YOUR face appear I would love to see YOU in my dream, but please, let me sleepI have to get up in 2 ours and leave for all dayI really need to sleepGoodnight ANGEL...............
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October 3rd
Lidwina Jackson
Goodbye Michael, legends neyer die
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breathe away.Michael, you gave me so much breath-taking moments.Thank you for each moment."In The Promise Of Another TomorrowI'll Never Let You PartFor You're Always In My Heart".Like a comet..Gone too soon.Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight.Here one dayGone one nightGONE TOO SOONYou are at a better place now.In never ending loveLidwina
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October 3rd
My angel
I hope now you'll be alright my angel..I miss you so much...you always live in my heart....I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
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October 3rd
Michael..i love you
We need you...please come back...we love you soo much..Michael..please..i love you forever...I love you..my angel..
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October 3rd
Il migliore... Il re della muisca!
Rimarrai per sempre nei nostri cuori, hai fatto cose irripetibili, hai ballato e cantato per oltre 40 anni come mai nessuno ha fatto!Non ti dimenticheremo di un mito come te!!!TVB Michael, RIP...Selene (Svizzera)
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October 3rd
Christina (22) Germany
We love you Michael. Yesterday, today and forever.We ♥ You..so much
Like A CometBlazing 'Cross The Evening SkyGone Too Soon♥♥Like A RainbowFading In The Twinkling Of An EyeGone Too Soon♥♥Shiny And SparklyAnd Splendidly BrightHere One DayGone One Night♥♥Like The Loss Of SunlightOn A Cloudy AfternoonGone Too Soon♥♥Like A CastleBuilt Upon A Sandy BeachGone Too Soon♥♥Like A Perfect FlowerThat Is Just Beyond Your ReachGone Too Soon♥♥Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To DelightHere One DayGone One Night♥♥Like A SunsetDying With The Rising Of The MoonGone Too Soon♥♥Gone Too Soon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Unsere Herzen werden Dich niemalsauch nur eine Sekunde verlassen,und wir sind und wir werden bis in die andere Welt hineindie jenigen sein,die Dich ohne Grenzen lieben!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥I love Michaels beautiful big brown eyes & his cute smileMichael your Fans in Germany love you 4 ever!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥more »
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October 3rd
Michael Pennisi
My life without michael jackson!
hi michael. we have the same name so thats why i love you.. i want to watch the "this is it" movie. im sorry. we will miss your moonwalk and 45 degree lean. *KABOOM*
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October 3rd
Mishel Jackson
I know its already 3:45 in the mourning, but I am just going to bed. Just came her to say goodnight sweetheart.I will tack to YOU tomorrow.
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October 3rd
i love you so much i will miss you.you is king and always be the king.and i am is your fan forever, you always in my heart, i never forget youAllah always with you forever I LOVE YOU MICHAEL....
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