August 27th
Michael Jackson waz an amazing person. He had a great voice, amazing moves not to mention his dancing. He waz truly da King of PoP and he will alwayz live in my heart. Eventhough he had diseases he have always entertained and amazed us. Rest In Peace MJ
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August 27th
i cant never stop my tears
i cry cry cry i love him his music will be there always !I am a german i will wrihte so more »
Selbst meine Kinder erkennen Michaels stimmme und rufen laut das is Michael Jackson..
ich find es so unötig Tragisch ich glaub nicht das Michael es so wollte möge er in Frieden ruhen.
Ich hoffe seine Kids werden alles gut verkraften und ein leben ohne Drogen oder sonstiges führen können .
Love you michael send greatings to my Mum & Dad
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August 27th
michael jackson aka king of pop
michael jackson was the best and always will be
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August 27th
michael jackson
i love every thing he did for us and i love him
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August 27th
I not believe that you have passed away to us of this world. Michael I Love so much, I want to think that it is not truth that is a dream.
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August 27th
you will live forever in my heart
more »
Michael Jackson is the best man of this world !my Gosh i couldn't believe that he is dead,when i saw his last rehearsal on youtube he doesn't look SICK !!
GOSH what happen to him.
many of us are still sad because many all of us idolized him! :]
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August 27th
x siempre
siempre viviras en mi corazòn.
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August 27th
we love u
my memorie was when i went to the 1984world tour and the 2001 concert i got hi hat and autogrphagh i love u michael ur music will live on
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August 27th
Hes always here
It was hard for the whole world to see you go, but ur music still lives and is cherrished by the whole world.more »
xoxo, monique
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August 27th
myron alexander
Large part of me lost.....
Michael...words cannot explain the effect that you've had on my life. yes i know, im only one of millions of testimonies, mine which probably will never be read. But let me tell you've helped me stay on this earth as long as i 25, and have dealt with depression, from losing my father, to breaking up with my gf i loved for 3 years recently. My heart aches without you...I dance and sing your songs at some point of the day everyday. Even though you never met me, when i saw your concerts, your tv specials, i use to talk to you as if you were right there in my living room.We are all flawed in some way, and we are not perfect.however, not everyone is as genuwine, loving, caring, and giving as you were. Not only did you touch us, your fans, you've touched people and children from every aspect of the globe. You simply touched my heart...i've only had two idols in my life, michael jordan, and MICHAEL JACKSON. i will carry you and what you stood for with me for the rest of my life. Because of you, i plan to volunteer more in my community,and even though i don't make a fraction of what you made, i will donate whatever time, or monetary resources i can, to make this world a better place, for you and for me....michael, if you can bring a strong,grown man to tears, there's no telling the effect you had on everyone else. We Love YOU FOREVER! and to his fans,and if you are a fan of MJ, you are already my friend.......write a message, so we can prove to mj up above, that HE is not alone....and we are here with you. We love you, and oh mike, thanks alot , from the bottom of my heart...
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August 27th
Michael, you are the best human I know
It´s so amazing how big your heart is. In your voice everyone can hear how innocent and how honest you are. And if people would look and hear more with their heart they would also know what human you are. Your fans know your soul because they feel with all senses and they hear to their heart. But most people in the world live in ignorance und forget why they are on earth. So I am happy, that this memory site is a place where we can feel love endless. If you could see that Michael, I am sure you were very happy. May be your soul can feel it. I hope so. You are so missed. I love you so much.
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August 27th
Michael why you
you have been through some tough times and you pulled through but not this time. yes i know people will think get a grip, but its a few months ago that u died and i still cant get to grips what happened michael jackson i am 13 and i have grown up with you music and i love it. When all of my friends have said you a bad man i have stood up and said that your amazing and i love you you were the greatest man there was you sung danced and you loved and i just want you to know that the whole world loves you as much as me and while i sit here i am hearing you songs in my headMichaels family you have been through so much and i know i am just 13 and you dont want to listin to this because you probably think i am lieing but i am not i pray for you and michael everyday and hope his kids have a nice lifeso lets not dwell about his death and lets be happen and gratefull that we have lived with such a great man so lets be happy that he lived
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August 27th
yvette hinkson
lost without you
michael, i came back so soon because i am feeling extremely sad and lonely this morning. this huge wave of sadness just came over me. i tried to tell someone and they just said there is a hurricane coming tomorrow and all you care about is michael jackson, hes been gone for two months and i said yes very low, very soft. and its true. i have little cares these days. i dont seem to worry about much anymore. i dont care that the hurricane is coming because i am so down, it doesnt matter. the tears are starting to flow again. they all seem to lead me back to the same place begging for your return. i know it wont happen. i dont why i keep asking, but thats what i want. stevie wonder said it best, that he hoped to never live to see this happen, and i feel the same way. i am a million miles away from you, always have been, but i am crushed beyond belief. i just want to be a little girl again, with no worries in the world. i understand how you felt, because i feel like i feel the same way now. i want to not hurt so bad and it has nothing to do really with me watching your videos or listening to your music that i hurt so much. its just that when i am alone and thinking. i am thinking of you and why this had to happen. the mornings and the evenings are so hard for me, in between is alot better. i just dont know how to make this stop. i love you michael and i am so sad i never got a chance to tell you. i miss you. i cant get you off my mind. i am going to try to pull myself together and get ready for work. i will talk to you later. i will love you until the end of days. i miss you michael, more than you know.
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August 27th
i love you mike
michael from chile... se ke estas vivo... more »
te extrañamos michael!!
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August 27th
john canor
i whant to say the michael jackson was and he go on to be my baby i feel like the world is over sence michael died cry pain not eat i love he like my self i feel bad michael you now the world is your my baby how much i do love you
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August 27th
Hi Michael, I am still listening to your music every day (from morning to night) just so that I can listen to your voice. My favourite song is "Heal the world" - yes indeed you did that and selflessly. God knows and all your fans and real friends know. To the friends in Rumania, yes, how can Madonna or anyone for that matter be as good as our dearest Michael. To friends and fans of Michael, please show your support for Michael by signing up to create his portrait on Don't forget to read about Michael's charitable work on And spread the word around - together we can change the skeptics and non-believers. Michael left us his legacy - it is now our turn to do our part to tell others about him - not only his music but more importantly his humanitarian work. To Paris, Prince and Blanket, your dad was the best - stay strong for him. Miss you, Michael. Sleep well.
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August 27th
Michael queremos voce de volta
Michael queremos voce de volta!!!Sabemos que voce nao esta morto,nunca esteve morto.O que voce ganhou fingindo que estava morto.Como vai ser a reaçao dos seus filhos quando souberem que voce esta vivo?O mundo mundo inteiro viu o seu video saindo de uma ambulancia na Inglaterra!!!!!Esse video esta bombando na Internet!!!!N
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August 27th
Truly the World's Most Greatest and Unforgettable Entertainer
Wow, you left behind your gift of music, dance and lyrics that carry the deep meaningful messages that have touched a lot of peoples hearts around the world. Your music has and will continue to be listened and enjoyed by the past, current and future generations. I believe that there will never be another artist/entertainer who will be able to achieve what you have as well as endured what you went through from your humble beginings to your untimely death. I am so privillaged to have lived in this lifetime where I have grown up with your music. I have my moments of sadness when listening to your songs, because it was the unfair hand that was dealt by death and i do not doubt that you had more to give to the world by way of new songs/albums following your tour. Michael Jackson you was simply the best that there ever was and ever be... RIP...
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August 27th
MJ Fanhistory Team
We are looking for your own stories, worldwide and from people of any age. You are a fan of Michael Jackson, his music and/or he as a person has moved you?How did your enthusiasm for MJ effect your life? We are looking for your personal story, bring in your own life story!Did he stimulate your interest in music or played a major part in influencing your ethics through some of his works (e.g. man in the mirror or will u be there, Earthsong…)?In what kind of situations during your life did he matter a lot? When did you feel grateful for his influence.We here by pledge to handle your story respectfully, due to the fact that for some MJ was closer than a good friend! He truely loved his fans and so do they. We clearly state that this is not one of those projects with a basic interest in money, moreover we are trying to create a positive and ethically valuable fan project for fans! This is a literary project. All financial outcome will be spend on humanitarian projects according to MJ's wishings.Your short story may be 1-3 pages in english or german if possible otherwise you may of course write in your own language. Please send it to (please copy your storry directly in to the E-Mail Window) with some basic contact data (phone, name, adress, e-mail or in case homepage). You will receive an immediate answer by mail. Your data is important in order to give you further information about the project.All your data will be kept confidentially! As mentioned before this is a fan project for fans, so everthing stays within the family.more »
Your MJ Fanhistory TeamGonna make that chanche, come on...! We miss u Michael!
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August 27th
i love michael jackson and i will forever. michael your the best!! no one can tell you diff.
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August 27th
I can't stop loving you.
It's since your death I've become a forever fan, of your beauty, talent, and uniquely kind personality. Sure wished you were still alive, even if in exile somewhere, at least enjoying privacy and knowing the world loves you.
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August 27th
what??? Madonna queen of pop????
.. Michael you're the only one King ... Madonna can not be compared with you .. Madonna is simply a singer ... you're much more ... So this is not possible ... you are and will always be king of music..I love you Forever...Romania loves you Michael Jackson..........Andruska
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August 27th
Sabina Hopkins
A gift to Michael Jackson,
Michael, we are sitting here. Always sharing memories, sad and happy. I put a picture of you in my locker, with your sweet little tiger Thriller, and a big grin on your face. Before I know it, the same one appears on my own face. You make the most unbearable days bearable, the saddest moments of my life just a little better. I watch your sweet little Paris, crying at the memorial,and the first time I think of you, there is a frown on my face. I'm sure you are looking down at your family right now, but if you ge the chance, I'd like to wish you happy birthday. Thanks for the smiles Michael.
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August 27th
love you
we miss you
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August 27th
love you
we miss you
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August 27th
i love you
I woke up this morning thinking about you (as usual)and i had to leave a message telling you how i am feeling. I know you can't read it but i am gonna leave it anyway. I spend almost all day listening to your music and watching videos of you. I am so lucky i work from home, i can play your music anytime i want. I have done that for years. My husband is about to go crazy cause he knows how i feel about you. He is being a jerk and trying to hurt me by making fun of you. He can say whatever he wants, it won't change my opinions of you. He started all of this when you died and saw me falling apart. I cannot stop crying since you died. I lost someone i have loved since i was a child. (i am now 30) You were so beautiful, inside and out. I hope you knew how much you were loved by me and millions around the world. So many people tried to hurt you and that hurt me. I wanted to meet you so bad but never got my chance. Just one minute with you would have changed my life. Those that knew you personally were truly blessed and all i can do now is wait until i get to Heaven to finally see the man i have loved my entire life. You are my heart, my angel, my everything and i will miss you for the rest of my life. I hope these tears and this overwhelming grief stop soon cause i am emotionally drained. Michael i love you so much and i wish i could bring you back.
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August 27th
maria vitoria
michael jackson-Brasil
o michael jackson é um ícone para nós,e eu que tenho 11 anos tinha a vida toda para discobrir que grande homen ele foi,e agora ele se foi,mas deichou uma lição de vida para todos nós,ele colocou na cabeça de todos nós que brancos,pretos,verdes e amarelos são feitos da mesma materia prima,e eles seram valorizado,não por sua cor mas por seu jeito de ser e seu jeito de viver.michael jackson era um grande homem mas com uma alma de criança,ele me ensinou a ser uma pessoa boa,e divertida,eu o amava muito,e acho que o que ele me ensinou terei que insinar a meus filhos,more »
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August 27th
maria vitoria
michael jackson-Brasil
o michael jackson é um ícone para nós,e eu que tenho 11 anos tinha a vida toda para discobrir que grande homen ele foi,e agora ele se foi,mas deichou uma lição de vida para todos nós,ele colocou na cabeça de todos nós que brancos,pretos,verdes e amarelos são feitos da mesma materia prima,e eles seram valorizado,não por sua cor mas por seu jeito de ser e seu jeito de viver.michael jackson era um grande homem mas com uma alma de criança,ele me ensinou a ser uma pessoa boa,e divertida,eu o amava muito,e acho que o que ele me ensinou terei que insinar a meus filhos,more »
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