August 19th
Michael's Ribbontree
Michael's Ribbontree
Micchael's Ribbontree is up and ready for your free ribbon dedications at Michael's tree to see.
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August 19th
To Diane Nordman
I wish I could have meet Michael as well as you Diane. That´s a memory forever, and I am sure you will never forget the feeling you had at that time. Although I am not young (I am 11 years younger than you)I couldn´t meet him. That makes me very sad all time. The best for you, Diane!
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August 19th
Réka(17, Hungary)
Special affection
Dear MichaelThe cold is running around on me when I listen to your music.Special feeling.Yesterday in the city, on a place, your musics were played.I was so happy when I hear it.Already from the rhythm.I feel you.I am very sleepy now, I slept a little bit.I never forget it when you came in my dream, and hugged, and I awoke in my eye with tears.Real feeling like that.I admire you increasingly better every day I love you.And hurts rather continually, and I will never be able to say goodbye to you.My sweet little angel.You are missing so much so much so much.I wake up, I ask it in myself; where are you?I need you.Immensely.You know, I desire it since small soot how I shall be allowed to see you.I dreamed about you always.I want to touch , your soft face.Your eyes I want to look at .You know, i into a panic I am falling.I feel alone.My heavy feelings, in words to write .The universe's emptiness falls in on me.You know, you are my brightest star on the sky.I'm so sad.Sweet Peter Pan.Oh, your sweet sound.I know, you can feel our affection.You hear our prayers.Your sweet soul is fruitful.Your golden wings, with a sweet smile, and eternal care.The largest lover on the planet, oh my god.I want to touch your sweet hands.To relate my special feeling, and my childlike affection.I fell into a doubt.You are missing terribly.I want to hear your laugh, your sweet smile see.I want to hug you.Your shoulders I want to rest.I love you so much.You give your hands then once, take away Neverland.Everybody can fly,to hear the laugh about distance,we eat iridescent cakes, we smile, we are laughing, we present each other with stars, where the eternal affection are my light.I'm with you.I am so much depressed.ForeverForeverI listen to your music, you sing in my soul,you live forever, with always.I know, you would not like to cry to see, but very very heavy.Beautiful Michael.Beautiful children,;I love you; Paris, Prince, Blanket.Onto so much I love you so much so much so much so much.You are our cradle.Who strokes the tearful tired faces.Me to hug you.I am so sad.I love you more!
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August 19th
ramon antonio mena rascon
michael jackson una leyenda
Poema a Michael Jacksonmore »
Quiso ser blancoquiso ser mujerquiso ser niñopero nació negropero creció hombrepero se convirtió en adultodos de todo.
Blanco-negrohombre-mujeradulto-niñobiografía de ambigüedades,héroe-monstruo de su propio thrillerpara morir en la peor de las soledadessin blancos ni negrossin hombres ni mujeressin adultos ni niñosbailando hacia atráspara llegar con su mejor paso de breake danceal infierno-paraíso de la anfibología.
RIP Michael Jackson
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August 19th
Todas as palavras não seriam sulficientes para definir a capacidade deste homem, artista e acima de tudo um ser humano preocupado como poucos com as causas socias. Que deus conceda a seu espirito paz como gratificação pelas injustiças que ele sofreu aqui......
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August 19th
Stranger in NC
fans: calm down
I was just on the forum and I see fans fighting back and forth among each other. Why do this, we are all here on this site because we love Michael. It would hurt him to see his fans acting like this. We all love him and miss him and grieve in many different ways. Don't take your pain out on someone else. Michael was hurting inside more than any of us could ever imagine. He did not go around bashing people and calling them names. He was a gentle spirit and that is what I loved most about him. Yes he was talented and sexy, but look deeper inside and see the true Michael. The playful, humble, shy, caring little angel that made all of us gravitate towards him. I hurt everyday and I cry for him, and pray for him, and I don't have anyone to confort me except God. Knowing that Michael is in Heaven where nothing can hurt him, makes me be able to keep going. I love him more than words could ever express.
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August 19th
caren island
r.i.p michael jackson you was a good man.
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August 19th
Diane Nordman
Growing up loving Michael
I was born 1958 - same as Michael. I remember first seeing he and his brothers on the Ed Sullivan show and became an instant fan and fell in love. My bedroom was instantly turned into wall to wall and ceiling J5 pictures. I was so fortunate to meet Michael and his brothers on several occasions in the 70's. I remember hugging him (of course I asked him first as he was so sweet and shy) and almost fainting. In Lake Tahoe after the concert back stage, Jermaine got into a fight was some random guy. I was scared and backed up against a door. Well the door swings open and Michael was hanging off the top of the door yelling "Get him Jermaine!" I looked up and was face to face with Michael and he was grinning from ear to ear. So sweet. Another time in Northern California, I was at the hotel hoping to meet my Jacksons once again. I was walking down the hallway and they would have the entire floor reserved for them. I thought I saw security so I hid in this cove and who was also in the cove? MICHAEL!!!! He looked at me like a deer in headlights. Fans were crazy and would rip and tear at Michael - his hair, his clothes...really crazy stuff. I witnessed this time and time again with the J5 and couldn't understand why you would intentionally hurt someone you love and admire so much. I was shaking and told him I wasn't one of those crazy fans and that I loved him. He said as he does with all his fans "I love you too". And as I hugged him, I kissed his cheek and he smiled. My love for Michael never faltered only grew over these past 40 years. I had always hoped of seeing him again face to face one day. Michael touched my soul and reached my heart like no other human being has ever done. To this day, when he sings his love songs, tears roll down my cheeks. I've always been in his corner and couldn't understand the media's need to attempt to destroy this beautiful wonderful man. What Michael needed was to fall in love and marry a decent woman who would have looked out for him and love him unconditionally. I believe that would have saved Michael..really I do. The world has lost more than just an entertainer....we have lost the most generous beautiful soul that ever graced this earth. I love Michael....I always have....and I always will. Sing with the Angels gentle Prince.
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August 19th
i miss u mj
mj i miss u u are my everything and all i got to say is i miss u dearly and u rocked my world and rip luv u
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August 19th
Michael foi e sempre será o melhor cantor e dançarino da história e sempre viverá nos corações de todos. I LOVE YOU MICHAEL...
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August 19th
Cecilia 41 años
hasta pronto Michael.......
Hoy se más que nunca que eres el angel que Dios nos prestó por 50 años, ahora estás más cerca de todos los que te llevamos en el corazón, eres motivación de cambio, de amor ,de paz, de
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August 19th
yvette hinkson
lost without you
michael. i have been trying to be a little better today. so i tried to watch something on tv rather than searching the news for anything to hear about you. but i always get led back here. its been 7 weeks since you left and i am so emotional still. shock has worn off, but realization is left and that seems to be the hardest part. i know your not coming back and i am angry because of it. i still hurt so much over this. its hard to handle this. its just something you never really think would happen. i always thought you would be here. i always thought you would be around. everyday seems to be that much harder. to wake and feel a new round of grief. the days seem to go by so fast since you have been gone. nothing really seems to matter right now. at this point i cant see the light at the end of the tunnel. it seems never
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August 19th
Oh Michael, please come back, and if is only in my dreams. I miss you so much!
My innocent and sweet Michael. The world is not the same without you. What can we do, Michael? You did always the right. You are really an angel!!!!!!!!!
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August 19th
Missing you forever
Michael Jackson is the truest, realest entertainers that ever lived. No one is going to take his place. I have a hard time looking at pictures at him. As you all may have trouble too. Prayers out to your children and family. Time will heal. We will see the King again someday.I love you Michael J. Always and forever.
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August 19th
With all my heart
Micheal -hope you feel better now in heaven, hope you don't suffer any more...Here, on earth,you will stay forever-in my heart...
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August 19th
* * * MICHAEL FOREVER!!! * * *
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August 19th
Edwin Truong
I f***
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August 19th
Star Celeste
Dearest Michael,It's been 2 months since you left us holding our shattered hearts. Grieving for you has almost become a way of life for me. I watch you dance and sing daily and I fill my nights watching interviews of you, reading of you, as I know all of your fans are doing as well. I know from experience that time heals a lot of pain but your death is bigger than any of us. It's bigger than the world, because the whole world is crying.All I know to do is pray for peace and understanding for your family, for all of us - your fans, and to pray also for your soul to rest in peace, finally.more »
Thank you for your grace, your love, your gentle understanding of life, and for all the wonderful deeds you bestowed on those in need. You ARE the King of Pop, forever, always in my heart.
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August 19th
michael jackson
he will be remembered for his music and his amazing dance moves after all he is the worlds only king of pop love you michael
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August 19th
remembering michael
you make good music and you are the best
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August 19th
Juliana (Brazil)
Michael, love you now and forever.I MISS YOU SO!!! I pray for you and your family. I´m feel so sad, dying, but, I need go on. I believe in you, I understand you, AND I´ll be there, by your side, forever.WITH LOVE FOREVER
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August 19th
just wish you could come feels unreal without you here..
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August 19th
Forever in My Heary
Pra sempre você será Lembrado no meu Coração.and you may not know, That may be all I needI love You Michaeltrecho da Sua música que eu mais amo! (the lady in my life)and meet me in paradise boy you're every wonder in this word tome A treasure time won't steal away...Amo Vocêmore »
Stay with me want you stay with me...
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August 19th
I love you.
Even though I had never knew about Michael, once he died I became so interested in him. I started watching videos and listening to his music...then one day it just hit me. "Wow, I love him. But he's...dead."I still can't believe it, but I know that his music, his life, and himself will never be forgotten. He is in all of the hearts of his fans. Rest in peace, Michael. :)
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August 19th
Bom gostaria de deixar registrado a admiração e o amor que sinto pelo Michael, e incrivel como podemos amar alguem que nem se quer conhecemos, sei que onde ele estiver estara vendo a multidão que o ama de verdade, pra os fas fica apenas a saudade, e a certeza que um dia no encontraremos, jamais acontecera algo como ele, sera insubistituivel pena ter saido de cena tão cedo, ´deixo aqui o meu pedido aos familiares, e a justiça, QUE SEJA FEITA JUSTIÇA, ninguem pode calar uma alma como Michael e ficar livre, impune os fãs do MUNDO esta aguardando por JUSTIÇA, e para os familiares DEIXEM ELE EM PAZ, parem de expor a vida dele coisa que ele não gostava, pare de quere ganhar dinheiro, e PRINCIPALMENTE PARA O PAI DELE SRº QUE VERGONHA, TODO O MUNDO SABE O QUE O SR REPRESENTAVA PARA O MICHAEL, PARA DE TENTAR USAR O NOME DELE, FICA NO SEU LUGAR, FICA DANDO ENTREVISTA PRA LANÇAR GRAVADORA " QUE COISA FEIA", EN FIM VIVA O MICHAEL, vc vivera para sempre, você foi e continuara sendo amado pelo seus fães,fique com DEUS e até um dia....
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August 19th
I miss you so much..............
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August 19th
I Love You Michael Joseph Jackson forever
I always love the Michael Jackson, unfortunately not had the opportunity to know him much-lo.Gosto of dances, music of all! I love him more!
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August 19th
Musica é dos mais belos meios que o ser humano descobriu para comunicar sentir e transmitir diferentes emoçõoes.Poucos existem que conseguem tocar nossos corações e deixar a sua marca na eternidade..more »
MICHAEL JACKSON foi sem duvida um ser sensivel, brilhante que deu toddo o seu amor ao que o fazia feliz. Cantar e dançar. Mesmo que por vezes se pudesse sentir a tristeza no seu coração , a dor na sua alma ,era simplesmente humano.E será ao deixar transparecer essas emoções nas suas letras e musicas que deixa um legado tão grandioso que nem o tempo apagará.E será através dele que nós os que sempre o amámos vamos continuar a sentir o pulsar de un coração.Sempre te amaremos MICHAEL JACKSON
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August 19th
Remembering the King of Pop
I still can't believe that Michael is dead. I remember him every day. Indeed his music will live forever because no other artist will be this creative and unique.
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August 19th
yvette jacques
ONCE OF A KIND!!!!!! more »
Thats what you are I cant beleive your gone. Why did god take you away from us? I guess the answer is simplet he needed for something very big, and while we are still mourning you I know you are in a better place. Still thats not good enough. You were such an inspiration on the world and you paved the way for MINORITIES.. ALL OF US.. I think i can speak for all of your fans in saying we would have done anything for you and your family.. I think i can also say that your true know you were not a child moelester and the because you were so powerful with alot of money.. EVERYONE WANTED PIECE OF YOU and that we wrong.. YOUR SISTER SAID IN AN INTERVIEW YOU WERE THE LONLIEST MAN (I GUES SHE MEANT IN BEING IN LOVE WITH SOME ONE) I LOVED YOU SO MUCH AND WOULD HAVE been in your life and accepted you for who you were. MY HEAR HURTS FOR YOU AND WHILE I KNOW I will SEE YOU AGAIN..its not fair because you were robbed of your life.. I will always keep you in my heart my favorite song you have recorded is one MORE CHANCE AT LOVE in 2003 its awesome-.. I MISS YOU MICHAEL AND HAPPY EARLY B-DAY TO YOU MAY YOU SLEEP NOW AND REST IN PEACE (YOU SWEET ANGEL) NO ONE CAN YOU HURT YOU ANYMORE................YOUR FREE........FLY FLY FLY
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August 19th
yvette jacques
ONCE OF A KIND!!!!!! more »
Thats what you are I cant beleive your gone. Why did god take you away from us? I guess the answer is simplet he needed for something very big, and while we are still mourning you I know you are in a better place. Still thats not good enough. You were such an inspiration on the world and you paved the way for MINORITIES.. ALL OF US.. I think i can speak for all of your fans in saying we would have done anything for you and your family.. I think i can also say that your true know you were not a child moelester and the because you were so powerful with alot of money.. EVERYONE WANTED PIECE OF YOU and that we wrong.. YOUR SISTER SAID IN AN INTERVIEW YOU WERE THE LONLIEST MAN (I GUES SHE MEANT IN BEING IN LOVE WITH SOME ONE) I LOVED YOU SO MUCH AND WOULD HAVE been in your life and accepted you for who you were. MY HEAR HURTS FOR YOU AND WHILE I KNOW I will SEE YOU AGAIN..its not fair because you were robbed of your life.. I will always keep you in my heart my favorite song you have recorded is one MORE CHANCE AT LOVE in 2003 its awesome-.. I MISS YOU MICHAEL AND HAPPY EARLY B-DAY TO YOU MAY YOU SLEEP NOW AND REST IN PEACE (YOU SWEET ANGEL) NO ONE CAN YOU HURT YOU ANYMORE................YOUR FREE........FLY FLY FLY
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August 19th
MJ i miss you
i love you so muchyou're always in my heartmay Allah bless your soul
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August 19th
Michael, I have a niece and she is 8 years old - I have to tell you a short story about her
As you died on the 25th June, I can´t believe it the first days. Step by step it was coming more and more true in my head. I was really crazy at this time, and therefore I bought CD´s, DVD´s and books from and about you as many as I could get. And I watched TV and surfed in the Internet many hours a day. While I did all that often my niece was close to me and observed me as well as she watched with me the videos and heard the music. She was so enthustiac of all she could hear and see. She saw and heard you the first time, and she sid to me: "Aunt Sabine, I am so sad, that I didn´t know Michael Jackson as he was living. He has such a beautiful voice and he is dancing so good. Aunt I want dance like Michael, I want learn it, I will do it. It´s so great. Nobody can dance like him. He is the best, I know it. And he likes children so much and did so much good." Michael, she felt heayily in love with you, at once as she saw and heard you the first time. I was so surprised, because until that time she only loves Miley Cyrus. But now the time has changed. Now she knows you, and she will never forget you and you will be always in her heart. I know it, because since then nobody has reached what you did. To me, that is magic!!!!!!!So and now I am going to pack up a gift for my niece. A CD and DVD from you. She will be very very glad if she will get it on Saturday. Oh, Michael if you would see how happy she always is with you, I know, your heart would be also happy. I love you for all you did, for all you were, for all you are, and for all you will be. You are so amazing and your soul is inredible.
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August 19th
longing to you
although it still hurts, although it still kills, although it tears apart, we'll go through it and we'll get better. that is life, that is how it works, that is what Michael would love us to do. but i'm thingking about your mom and your kids, Michael. i'm so sorry your mum have to see her son 'moved' and mourn him and i'm so sorry about your kids. they are so young and they need a parent. they had a very remarcable, very unusual and very loving daddy. it would be so hard to them to find in this world someone at least near remarkable and loving as you were. they have this 'mark' of being Michael Jackson's kids so it will be so hard for them to find someone who is really sincere with them. that is the same burden you've experienced. So please, even from Above look after them, take care of them, ask God to help them. they are jst kids and deserve the best in this world just like all kids in the world.God knows how they cope. I don't.May God help and bless you and your family.
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August 19th
MJ Fanhistory Team
Gonna make that chanche, come on...! We miss u Michael!
We are looking for your own stories, worldwide and from people of any age. You are a fan of Michael Jackson, his music and/or he as a person has moved you?How did your enthusiasm for MJ effect your life? We are looking for your personal story, bring in your own life story!Did he stimulate your interest in music or played a major part in influencing your ethics through some of his works (e.g. man in the mirror or will u be there, Earthsong…)?In what kind of situations during your life did he matter a lot? When did you feel grateful for his influence.We here by pledge to handle your story respectfully, due to the fact that for some MJ was closer than a good friend! He truely loved his fans and so do they. We clearly state that this is not one of those projects with a basic interest in money, moreover we are trying to create a positive and ethically valuable fan project for fans! This is a literary project. All financial outcome will be spend on humanitarian projects according to MJ's wishings.Your short story may be 1-3 pages in english or german if possible otherwise you may of course write in your own language. Please send it to (please copy your storry directly in to the E-Mail Window) with some basic contact data (phone, name, adress, e-mail or in case homepage). You will receive an immediate answer by mail. Your data is important in order to give you further information about the project.All your data will be kept confidentially! As mentioned before this is a fan project for fans, so everthing stays within the family.more »
Your MJ Fanhistory Team
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August 19th
we miss
we miss you i like your music
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August 19th
Mi manchi amore mio, sono persa senza te!!
Michael..non ho avuto la possibilità di vederti dal vivo. Sarei venuta a londra per te, solo per te!! Sei tu l'unico uomo della mia vita, e lo sarai per sempre! Ti amo, e ti amerò ogni giorno della mia vita per sempre, non mi dimenticherò mai di te! Tu e Martina siete la mia unica ragione di vita. Tu lo sai, io e lei abbiamo intenzione di continuare il tuo sogno, di portare avanti quello che non sei riuscito a terminare, il tuo sogno con i bambini a Neverland. E noi lo continueremo solo per te e perchè amiamo molto i bambini come li ami tu. Lo so che tu ci vegli da lassù, e so che sarai sempre con noi in ogni momento della nostra vita! Michael io volevo solo dirti grazie. Grazie per essere esistito e di esistere ancora. Grazie per il tuo modo di essere così dolce e sensibile. Grazie di essere un bambino. Grazie per tutta la tua musica, e per tutto quello che ci hai lasciato. Grazie per farmi visita ogni notte nei miei pensieri. Grazie per regalarmi ogni volta mille emozioni. Grazie Michael. Avrei voluto abbracciarti e baciarti. Avrei voluto dirti ti amo di persona, ma ora te lo dico solo nei sogni, dove voliamo spensierati, liberi come il vento sull'Isola Che Non C'è, mio dolcissimo Peter Pan!!Ti amo molto amore mio, ci vediamo nei sogni. Grazie per starmi vicina!! A presto :')
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August 19th
Hello my love, it´s me again,
every day I read the memories about you and share my own memories. Michael I am so thankful that I have known you since I was a young teenager. It was in the 80´s. You were so successful with your album "Thriller". But it was´nt only your performance of singing and dancing - you were such a great personality. You were so magical. I can´t describe it. And your magic was always there until today. Since you are has gone I am so sad, I am feeling so lonely without you. I am missing a part of my soul and my heart. It hurts so much. Every day I ask me, when this feeling will be better, and I don´t have an answer. Far from it! I think that it hurts more and more while the time passes away. Oh Michael, I wish you would come back and I could see how you hug your children once more. Sure, I would also wish I could hug you. But if it would only possible for your children I would be happy for the rest of my life. I hope so much you are happy now and you can feel just love and gladness. Every single day I hear your music, and very often I watch your videos, and my tears are breaking out. It´s every time such a great show and every time it makes me so sad, if I see you. I am sure that we will see us one day. Michael I love you so much. Why there are so many bad people? I can´t understand it. I can´t. Michael I pray for your children and your family and also for you. I miss you so much! Love you!
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August 19th
Vous êtiez irrésitible!!!! Sur scéne: époutouflant! Vous saviez tutoyer les anges!!! Or seul les très grands savent le faire!! Le monde entier vous pleure... et moi aussi....Vous êtiez un être humain exceptionnel, vos dons en témoignent, et si il y à un paradis, vous devez faire danser et chanter ceux qui y sont...Merci, Mr Jackson pour votre talent infini...
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August 19th
cida machado
Amor Eterno
Michael saudades do artista e do ser humano Michael o Rei do Pop eternamente.
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August 19th
a life history of michael jackson
he was the best in all he did at the same time his music tells a story about what went on in hiss life he was like a big brother to me someone i can look up to
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August 19th
i miss you
you were the king i love you i stay crying miss you mj 4ever!
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August 19th
yvette hinkson
lost without you
michael, my love. i saw where there going to bury you, its fit for a king as yourself. i just wish i could visit. they say its about 15 minutes away from the regular forest lawn. i am so sad thinking about it. i know its only the shell that held you, but i want so bad to be close to you. i am sitting here crying again. wondering why things are the way they are. missing you so much. i cant get you off my mind. i feel like i have to think about you. i feel like i owe it to you for giving me such joy while you were here. i want to get better at least so i can be a productive person. i do what i have to do on a daily basis, but its just its so hard, to be the way i was without you. you were such a part of my life for so long that its unbearable. i miss you so much. i will miss you until the end of days. i will love you until i cant. i dont want to just tell you i love you. it does not seem to be enough for me. maybe one day, i love you will be enough, but this day, i have not reached that point. i will love you until its my time to go and i am sure i will still muster up the strength to love you more.
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August 19th
me encanto michael jackson...siempre fue mi la fans numero 1more »
michael jackson te amo!!
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August 19th
David Nicholas Bakken
Miss You Michael!
You where a good human! I just love your song "Man In The Mirror" I'm listening to it every day, and I never get tired of it. The video is also nice, you wanted the best for all. You where fighting for making the world a better place. I'm going to do all I can to go to the Tribute concert in vienna, it's the closest i can get a Mj concert now. Not a day goes by, without you on my mind. more »
You 're the best, forever and ever!
Rest in Peace Mj, love you!!
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August 19th
krystyna mierzwiak Poland
missing you dear Michael
I miss you my dearest friend every day... more and more. It's so hurt!!!! I'll never let you part! I wish I could turn back the time. I wish I could help you in your most difficult time. I wish I could give to you my life to bring you back for your family specially for your children. They need you so much!!! Why did you have to go so soon Michael!!! I am with you. Every day I think of you. I hope you are in a better palce now.All my respect to you.With all my heratI love YOU
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August 19th
i love you michael jackson
bom, eu só queria dizer que sinto muito muito a falta do meu cantor favorito eu o adoro mesmo ele morto ele me tocou nunca o vi nunca conversei com ele enfim nem se quer tive o prazer de conhecé -lo eu gosto muito dele eu ñ consigo ouvir sua voz e imaginar que ele já morreu pra mim ele ainda está vivo e eu ñ consigo me dar conta que ele já se foi eu só quero dizer michael jackson i love you.... eu te amo eu te amo
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August 19th
Michael, çà y est, Murray est poursuivi pour homicide involontaire. VENGEANCE !!!!!!! Son devoir été de rester auprès de toi pendant ton sommeil, au lieu de cela, il t'a laissé seul... et moi aussi, maintenant, je suis seule sans toi. Cette faute professionnelle lourde et grave doit être sanctionnée par la peine de mort, tout simplement... J'ai tellement de peine de savoir que Morphée n'était pas ton amie, que tes douleurs, si intenses, ton rendues dépendant des médicaments. Rien n'aurait pu laisser penser, que ton corps débordant de rythmique, en fait, souffrait intensément...Peut-être existait-il une autre solution que les paradis artificiels pour apaiser tes souffrances ? Incompétente médecine... Mon cœur hurle de rage de savoir que l'on aurait certainement pu te sauver. Si seulement nous avions mieux déchiffrer "Morphine" Michael... Si seulement tu nous avais "avouer" tout ça, tu serais encore là, sous ton chapeau, mon amour... Je t'aime, j'ai mal Michael, si tu savais...
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August 19th
About Micheal
I remember seeing The Jackson 5 on Motown at The Hollywood Palace on T V like the group from then on. Seen them twice as the Jackson 5 twice as the Jacksons The Bad Tour Victory Tour i have every album concert program he will be truly missed by me he was a is a Thriller
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August 19th
Miss you so much...
Off, Michael...I wish you could be here!I can't stop crying when I hear your voice, when I see your smile...God Bless you, Michael!I always remember about you in my prayers!I will never forget you and I will always try to be good, as you were...I LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!
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August 19th
i love mj
michael your a legend and i love you. i cant believe your gone but your music will live on forever. you were the best artist ever. you changed peoples lives and those who went to your concerts will never forget it. your the best dancer the world will ever see!! I LOVE YOU MJ SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! xx
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August 19th
29 august
August 29th Michael Jackson Day Worldwide, please read
"Dia Mundial de Michael Jackson" 29 de Agosto... ayuda con esta peticion siguiendo el linkmore »
*Make August 29th Michael Jackson Day Worldwide!, help with this
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August 19th
laura. x
your a true legend and your music and spirit will live on forever. your dancing was amazing, no one will ever be as good as you!!i miss you and will always love you!!I
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August 19th
always in my heart
_________$$$$$$$_____________$$$$$$$_________________$$_______$$_________$$_______$$_____________$$___________$$_____$$___________$$_________$$_______________$$_$$_______________$$_______$$________________$$$________________$$________$$_________________________________$$___________$$________I LOVE YOU___________$$_______________$$_______FOREVER___________$$___________________$$_____MICHAEL!________$$_______________________$$_________________$$___________________________$$_____________$$________________________________$$_______$$______________________________________$$_$$___________________________________________$_______________________
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August 19th
always remembered
hi michael. i really miss you, and i am thinking about you everyday. im surfing the internet, mostly youtube to see you talk and smile and sing and dance. and i am going to this site to read all of your fans memories and messages to you. huh, the tears are coming up again. i really hope you are having a good time in heaven which you deserves. and that you can see how the world is missing and loving you. youre such a great man, and you helped so many people. when i m going to buy a magazine you know, and they have written something about you on the first page, something they have come up with a usual, i never buy that magazine, i always buy another. i dont want to support those who are taking advantage of you and writing lies about you. they should be ashamed of themselves for doing that! but i am sure you know your fans dont belive a single word they write. i hope you are at peace.thank you for what you have done to this world, 'nd everything you have sacrificed to do so.i miss and love you and will always do so.
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August 19th
how could this be
how can i go on when you're not here anymore. i will always treasure everything about you Michael. the most saddest thing is this human race that hunted you down continously finally got you. May they suffer as they hurt you so bad I felt it so. I wish that humans were kind and pure like you, then this world would not only be a better place it would be perfect if ALL people had your wonderful heart and nature.RIP SWEET SWEET MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER. J XOXOXOXOX

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August 19th
yvette hinkson
lost without you
hi there. its me again, missing you more more by the second. michael, i am lucky to have seen you in my lifetime. i really am. i just want so bad to have a second chance to make things right for you. i hope and pray that you are resting and that the cares of this world dont effect you. i love you so very much you will always have a special place in my heart. i am so glad for the technology these days so i can see you in concert even though i was not there. i feel like i shouldve been born earlier because the world was more of a decent place back then, it was pure, muisc was pure such as yours. today there is alot of advancement but the music is no longer pure. if you cant sing as long as you look good that can be taken care of. i dont like that. i like amazing singers such as yourself. people arent so nice anymore. you have your select few. people live on blocks that dont know the neighbors. its a different world. i miss you more than you will know. i will love you until i cant love anymore. you are my heart. i will never forget you. not in a million years.
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August 19th
i love you really michael miss u so much :(
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August 19th
Елена Терентьева
Дорогой Майкл! Возвращайся быстрее, все тебя заждались. Россия всегда любила тебя больше всех и верила в тебя!!!
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August 19th
christina germany
We love you Michael. Yesterday, today and forever.We ♥ much
Like A CometBlazing 'Cross The Evening SkyGone Too Soon♥♥Like A RainbowFading In The Twinkling Of An EyeGone Too Soon♥♥Shiny And SparklyAnd Splendidly BrightHere One DayGone One Night♥♥Like The Loss Of SunlightOn A Cloudy AfternoonGone Too Soon♥♥Like A CastleBuilt Upon A Sandy BeachGone Too Soon♥♥Like A Perfect FlowerThat Is Just Beyond Your ReachGone Too Soon♥♥Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To DelightHere One DayGone One Night♥♥Like A SunsetDying With The Rising Of The MoonGone Too Soon♥♥Gone Too Soon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Unsere Herzen werden Dich niemalsauch nur eine Sekunde verlassen,und wir sind und wir werden bis in die andere Welt hineindie jenigen sein,die Dich ohne Grenzen lieben!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥I love Michaels beautiful big brown eyesMichael your Fans in Germany love you 4 ever!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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August 19th
Denise Young
M-His songs of hope and change were Motivating.I-His humanitarian efforts were InspirationalC-His smile and soft dark eyes were Captivating.H-He gave so many people Hope.A-He was Admired by thousands of fansE-He was the entertainer of a lifetime.L-He loved and wanted Lovemore »
These are my memories of Michael. I will love him always, although I never had the chance to see him in person.
J-He brought us so much Joy.A-He danced with electrifying Action.C-He was a wonderful father to his Children.K-To all who knew him, he was very Kind.S-He longed for peaceful Sleep.O-He always thought of Others.N-He put all of himself into Neverland!
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August 19th
Hurting inside
I love you more...
Missing you so much right now. I cannot get enough of you. Your sweet voice and lovely smile keep me going. When you died, my heart broke. I have loved you since I was five years old. That has been twenty five years. You have always been in my life and now you are gone. I feel lost now. I cry all the time, I think about what you would be doing if you hadn't died. I am so depressed and I don't know what to do anymore. I felt so sorry for you and all the stuff you had to deal with from your childhood on up. I can relate to how you grew up,(not the entertainment part) but the abuse from your father. I was also very lonely and still am. Michael you were the sweetest person and I miss you with all my heart. If I could bring you back I would. You are safe now and this world was too mean to you. I hope you knew how beautiful you were and how much you were loved. People will say negative things about those they are jealous of. I wanted to meet you but never got my chance. I wanted to watch you for one whole day, to watch you walk, talk, play, laugh, and just be yourself. I love the singing and dancing but I was hooked on you as a person. You were a very caring loving person. I miss you so much. I cry just thinking about you. I become a mess listening to your slower songs. Thank you for being a part of my life. I only wish I could have been a part of yours. Love you more...
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August 19th
Елена Терентьева
Дорогой Майкл! Я хочу тебя поддержать в сложный для тебя период жизни! Я никогда не верила про то, что говорили о тебе в прессе. Я знала, что человек с сердцем и душой ребёнка никогда не сделает плохого ближнему. Я выросла на твоих песнях, ты всегда был моим любимым артистом. Желаю тебе побыстрее выбраться из передряги. Твои поклонники ждут твоего возвращения, выздоравливай скорее!!! Ты нужен всем нам. Ты послан богом для исцеления мира от всего негативного. Елена
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August 19th
My memories
He was in my heart since childhood. I had five years while the first time I heard and saw the video, then have loved his music. And when in 1996 at the airport in Wrocław Strachowice he wave just me (fixed on the other hand, the fence where fans gathered, and when done at a fraction of a second to silence, called his name, he turned to me and he wave) if time has stopped. Throb my heart so strongly that they do not even feel when a guardsman tried to get me out of the fence.June 25 the time has stopped again, throb my heart just as much as several years ago, but this time of great pain and despair. It was formed in the crevice, which grows with each moment with each of the past. A huge wound, broken and bleeding heart boli without allowing a moment of escape. It seems time heals wounds, and I hope that once and my cure, but will not forget.You will be forever in my heart, my memories and my dreams!
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August 19th
Para nuesto ángel
Michael Jackson era un ser con una conciencia superior, un ser tocado por Dios, un ser puro, verdadero, limpio, inocente. Michael era la encarnación del amor. Solo hace falta ver su sonrisa, ver sus ojos, escuchar su voz, leer su mensaje en canciones como Heal The World; solo un alma tocada por Dios y llena de Dios puede dar un menaje semejante.El era un ser tan puro, que realmente dudo que fuera humano.Nunca debemos olvidar que su trabajo y sus esfuerzos fueron mucho más allá de su música perfecta y trascendieron a la búsqueda de la paz y la reconciliación humana, al perdón, a la generosidad, a la solidaridad, a la ayuda desinteresada para los menos favorecidos. Eso era lo que realmente le importaba… dar AMOR y que llenáramos nuestro corazón del amor de Dios, que siempre fue su prioridad Nº 1.Dios te bendiga Michael.Espero que desde el cielo estés viendo y sintiendo todo el amor que te tenemos, y todas las vidas que has tocado y cambiado para bien, y el legado que has dejado y lo mucho que es valorado por quienes te amamos, que somos millones y millones de seres humanos alrededor del mundo y los homenajes que se hacen en tu honor, y las lágrimas que derramamos por tu partida y la alegría en nuestros ojos al escuchar tu música y el total, absoluto, inagotable y permanente amor en nuestros corazones por ti.Gracias Michael.Michael Jackson es el más hermoso regalo que Dios ha dado a la humanidad.Doy gracias Dios por todo el amor, la alegría y la inspiración que nos envió a través de Michael.
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August 19th
Para nuesto ángel
Michael Jackson era un ser con una conciencia superior, un ser tocado por Dios, un ser puro, verdadero, limpio, inocente. Michael era la encarnación del amor. Solo hace falta ver su sonrisa, ver sus ojos, escuchar su voz, leer su mensaje en canciones como Heal The World; solo un alma tocada por Dios y llena de Dios puede dar un menaje semejante.El era un ser tan puro, que realmente dudo que fuera humano.Nunca debemos olvidar que su trabajo y sus esfuerzos fueron mucho más allá de su música perfecta y trascendieron a la búsqueda de la paz y la reconciliación humana, al perdón, a la generosidad, a la solidaridad, a la ayuda desinteresada para los menos favorecidos. Eso era lo que realmente le importaba… dar AMOR y que llenáramos nuestro corazón del amor de Dios, que siempre fue su prioridad Nº 1.Dios te bendiga Michael.Espero que desde el cielo estés viendo y sintiendo todo el amor que te tenemos, y todas las vidas que has tocado y cambiado para bien, y el legado que has dejado y lo mucho que es valorado por quienes te amamos, que somos millones y millones de seres humanos alrededor del mundo y los homenajes que se hacen en tu honor, y las lágrimas que derramamos por tu partida y la alegría en nuestros ojos al escuchar tu música y el total, absoluto, inagotable y permanente amor en nuestros corazones por ti.Gracias Michael.Michael Jackson es el más hermoso regalo que Dios ha dado a la humanidad.Doy gracias Dios por todo el amor, la alegría y la inspiración que nos envió a través de Michael.
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August 19th
Please come back
You will be forever in my heart, my memories and my dreams!
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August 19th
Michael when you gone i feel very sad i cry. One of my wish is that i could see you in real live but after this news i was shock i very sad snd cry. God why you did you take michael away everybody in this world MISS HIM SO MUCH. Anyway Michael you are not alone. Even though you gone but your music will live forever.Rest In Peace Always.
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